Abstract: We report on two interactive systems for natural exploration of 3D models. Manipulation and navigation of 3D virtual objects can be a difficult task for a novel user, specially with a common 2D display. With traditional input devices such as 3D mice, trackballs, etc. the interaction doesn’t insist directly on the models, but is mediated and not intuitive. Our user interface allows casual users to inspect 3D objects at various scales, panning, rotating, and zooming, all through hand manipulations analogous to the way people interact with the real world. We show the design and compare the tests on two alternative natural interfaces: multitouch and free-hand gestures. Both provide a natural dual-handed interaction and at the same time free the user from the need of adopting a separate device.
Authors: S. A. Iacolina, A. Soro, R. Scateni.
Natural exploration of 3D models.
ACM SIGCHI Italian Chapter (CHItaly 2011), 118-121.
Alghero, Italia, Settembre 2011.