A delegation of MeDSP at Sharper Night, the European Researchers’ Night

On Friday, September 30, we participated in Sharper Night, the European Researchers’ Night, a 24-hour marathon dedicated to science and technology.
We were present with a STEM LAB on the discovery of new human-machine interfaces, at the Botanical Garden of Cagliari.

An experience that attracted and starred not only adults but also little girls and boys who, with their enthusiasm, tried to get involved wearing sensors and electrodes.


How can I control or influence the behavior of a computer?

How does the computer detect signals on our bodies?

Which signals can we use to control an interface?


Questions we can answer by experiencing firsthand activities that today and increasingly in the future can help people who need rehabilitation or have neuromotor impairment. Like DoMoMEA, for example, our University of Cagliari and Sassari project of home telerehabilitation for stroke patients, which we are recently expanding for AIRETT.

October and November are eventful months for MeDSP, so we give you a new appointment at the Festival Scienza, next November 12 when our laboratory “The Body and its Signals: Exploring Human-Machine Interfaces” will be held, which will be hosted by the Liceo artistico Foiso Fois, in Cagliari, Via San Lucifero n.75, from 9 am to 1 pm.

See you soon!


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