Special mention “Donna di Scienza” to our researcher Giulia Baldazzi!
We proudly acknowledge the special mention assigned to our young researcher Giulia Baldazzi in the context of the “Premio Donna di Scienza 2024” prize. The prize is ScienzaSocietàScienza association to celebrate women who stood up in scientific research in Sardinia. On November 12, 2024, Giulia received a special mention for her biomedical engineering studies, particularly fetal electrocardiography. The full motivation is:
“For the scientific and educational commitment carried out in Sardinia and for Sardinia, in particular, the scientific activity on the topic of non-invasive fetal electrocardiography. Her research contributes to the design of new algorithms for the effective recovery of the fetal electrocardiographic signal, which can be used in low-cost perinatal monitoring systems, allowing large-scale screening even in developing countries. Her research addresses a need particularly felt by the Sardinian population.”
Well done, Giulia! Read the full news here.