Our RiPARTO project won two awards at the AIIC 2024 conference!
We proudly announce that our RiPARTO project received two awards at the AIIC 2024 conference:
- the award, assigned by a specialistic committee, for the best project in the Digital Health and Telemedicine track
- the award, assigned by the popular jury, for the best project overall.
RiPARTO is a “PROOF of CONCEPT – Valorizzazione dei risultati della ricerca in biomedicina” project that received funding by Sardegna Ricerche on the PO FESR 2014-2020.
We acknowledge the great work of the RiPARTO team, and in particular of the PI Giulia Sedda, along with Giulia Olla, Enrico Ariu, and Matilde Farci, who largely contributed to the project development. These awards come a few years from the awarding of the DoMoMEA project by AIIC, and we’re diving into two new projects on telerehabilitation: VISIONARY and MYRTUS.
Our greatest dream is to see these technologies being first tested in Sardinia, where all of them came from. Stay tuned on the current projects and on all the other research activities at MeDSP lab! Ad maiora!