Shape Retrieval and 3D Gestural Interaction

Abstract: Despite the emerging importance of Virtual Reality and immersive interaction research, no papers on application of 3D shape retrieval to this topic have been presented in recent 3D Object Retrieval workshops. In this paper we discuss how geometric processing and geometric shape retrieval methods could be extremely useful to implement effective natural interaction systems for 3D immersive virtual environments. In particular, we will discuss how the reduction of complex gesture recognition tasks to simple geometric retrieval ones could be useful to solve open issue in gestural interaction. Algorithms for robust point description in trajectories data with learning of inter-subject invariant features could, for example, solve relevant issues of direct manipulation algorithms, and 3D object retrieval methods could be used as well to build dictionaries and implement guidance system to maximize usability of natural gestural interfaces.

Authors: A. Giachetti, F.M. Caputo, A. Carcangiu, R. Scateni, L. D. Spano.
Shape Retrieval and 3D Gestural Interaction.
EG 3DOR 2016, part of Eurographics 2016, position paper, 1-4.
Lisbona, Portogallo, Maggio 2016.

3-SHIRT: Three-Dimensional Shape Indexing and Retrieval Techniques

Abstract: This paper describes the work that has been done during the first year of the 3-SHIRT project, which aims at developing innovative solutions in all the phases of content-based 3D shape retrieval, namely: shape analysis and segmentation, design of shape descriptors, shape indexing and matching, and evaluation.

Authors: U. Castellani, G.M. Cortelazzo, M. Cristani, E. Delponte, A. Fusiello, A. Giachetti, S. Mizzaro, F. Odone, E. Puppo, R. Scateni, P. Zanuttigh.
3-SHIRT: Three-Dimensional Shape Indexing and Retrieval Techniques.
EuroGraphics Italian Chapter 2008, 113-120.
Salerno, Italia, Luglio 2008