Interactive Calibration of a Multi-Projector System in a Video-Wall Multi-Touch Environment.

Abstract: Wall-sized interactive displays gain more and more attention as a valuable tool for multiuser applications, but typically require the adoption of projectors tiles. Projectors tend to display deformed images, due to lens distortion and/or imperfection, and because they are almost never perfectly aligned to the projection surface. Multi-projector videowalls are typically bounded to the video architecture and to the specific application to be displayed. This makes it harder to develop interactive applications, in which a fine grained control of the coordinate transformations (to and from user space and model space) is required. This paper presents a solution to such issues: implementing the blending functionalities at an application level allows seamless development of multi-display interactive applications with multi-touch capabilities. The description of the multi-touch interaction, guaranteed by an array of cameras on the baseline of the wall, is beyond the scope of this work which focuses on calibration.

Authors: A. Lai, A. Soro, R. Scateni.
Interactive Calibration of a Multi-Projector System in a Video-Wall Multi-Touch Environment.
UIST 2010 Adjunct Proceedings, 437-438.
New York, NY, USA, Ottobre 2010.