
The MeDSP Lab participates in several research projects, at regional, national, and international levels, either as the PI’s group, Unit coordinator’s group or in collaboration with the DEALAB.


Active projects


Kick-Off: June 10, 2024
Role: PI’S Team

STOPme is a cascade PNRR project, realized in the framework of the project “RAISE – Robotics and AI for Socio-economic Empowerment”, funded by the EU – Next Generation EU
The project “Supporting Termination Of stereotyPies in patients with rett syndroME by advanced ambient intelligence – STOPme” aims to evaluate in real time the state of psychomotor activation of the patient with RETT syndrome, monitoring the onset of neuromotor stereotypies and patterns of hypo- and hyper-ventilation and then conditioning the patient to interrupt the stereotypies by environmental activation. The approach could be easily extendable to other neurodevelopment disorders with similar symptoms.


Kick-Off: September 28, 2023
Role: PI’S Team

VISIONARY is a PRIN 2022 project, financed by the Ministry of University and Research.
The project “Advanced VISual feedback for neurorehabilitatION systems based on virtuAl RealitY – VISIONARY” aims at bringing bodyweight neuromotor rehabilitation beyond the conventional approaches, by conceiving a new generation of bidirectional body-computer interfaces in which the information collected in real-time about upper-limb biomechanics and muscular activity, becomes a hidden actuator of the controlled virtual object in the VR.



Kick-Off: January 1, 2024
Role: Unit Coordinator’s Team, UC leaders

MYRTUS is a Horizon Europe project, financed with 6M€ in the call: HORIZON-CL4-2023-DATA-01-04—Cognitive Computing Continuum: Intelligence and automation for more efficient data processing.
The ambition of “MYRTUS – Multi-layer 360° dYnamic orchestrion and interopeRable design environmenT for compute-continUum Systems” is to provide the technology to enable the evolution of CPS into CPS with a living dimension. MeDSP Lab will lead the Healthcare use case, which uses MYRTUS technologies to scale-up collaborative cognitive and neuromotor (tele)rehabilitation, by defining novel intervention methods adopting visuo-haptic interactions in challenging virtual reality (VR) scenarios.



Kick-Off: 2020
Role: Unit Coordinator’s Team

ICT4MOMs is a PRIN 2017 project, financed by the Ministry of University and Research.
The project aims to realize a new ICT service for remote pregnancy monitoring, based on the integration of sensors and wearable devices, connected through an Android App on smartphones to a telemedicine infrastructure managed by gynecologists and obstetricians.


Past projects


Kick-Off: June 2022
Role: PI’S Team

RiPARTO is a Proof of Concept financed by Sardegna Ricerche with PO FESR 2014/2020 funds and driven by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

The project aims to achieve an innovative system of advanced tele-rehabilitation for the upper limb, at home and with the integration of low-cost technologies, for patients with neuromotor deficits.



Kick-Off: 2021
Role: Collaboration with the DEALAB 

Search & Rescue is a Horizon 2020 project, H2020-SU-SEC-2019, Topic: SU-DRS02-2018-2019-2020 – Technologies for first responders, Grant agreement ID: 882897

The Search and Rescue project (Emerging technologies for the Early location of Entrapped victims under Collapsed Structures and Advanced Wearables for risk assessment and First Responders Safety in SAR operations), with a partnership that includes 29 partners, including 10 end-users, aims to design, implement and validate through a series of large-scale pilots representing different operational scenarios, an open, modular and interoperable architecture for first responders.



Kick-Off: February, 2019 – duration: 42 months
Role: Collaboration with the DEALAB 

Tex-Style is a project funded by the National Operational Program Research and Innovation 2014 – 2020 (PON 2014-20), managed by the Ministry of University and Research.

TEX-STYLE has the ambitious goal of producing large-scale intelligent multifunctional fabrics and coverings made with sustainable materials by combining innovative aesthetic effects and integrated electronics to offer stylists new possibilities for creative design and made-in-Italy style. Sustainability and functionality will be integrated into innovative solutions for industrial production in various sectors: transport, technical fabrics, fashion, and furniture. Starting from the combination of sustainable and intelligent materials, TEX-STYLE will pave the way for the design of high-quality creative products with a distinctive Made in Italy label. Intelligent materials will be coupled with sustainable ones through new nanotech technologies and new low environmental impact processes to endow fabrics with multifunctionality and electrical conductivity in order to obtain “hyper-functions” such as sensors, actuators, lighting and connectivity that will allow stylists extreme flexibility of form to better highlight their creativity towards interactive products with high added value.


Kick-Off: 2018
Role: PI’s Team

DoMoMEA is a Top-Down Cluster financed by Sardegna Ricerche with POR FESR 2014/2020 funds and driven by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, in collaboration with the Department of Medical Sciences and Public Health and the Department of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Sassari.

The project proposes high value-added technological solutions for Home NeuroMotor tele-rehabilitation in favor of subjects with Moderate disability stroke outcomes by means of Advanced Electronic Devices.



Kick-Off: 2017
Role: Unit Coordinator’s Team

Convergence is a project funded by ERA-NET, a Horizon 2020 tool designed to support public-public partnerships in their preparation, networking, design, implementation and coordination of joint activities.

The project focuses with “Frictionless energy efficient convergent wearables for healthcare and lifestyle applications”. The goal is to build systems to enable personalized health and environmental advice and assistance beyond today’s wireless sensor networks.



Kick-Off: 2017
Role: Collaboration with the EOLAB


INSIEME, acronym of “INtelligent Systems for Integrated health Management”, is a project that has received funding under the National Operational Program “Imprese e Competitività” 2014 – 2020 (PON 2014-20Axis I – Innovation, Action 1.1.3), managed by the Ministry of Economic Development.

The project, aimed at the creation of an integrated network of embedded type devices, communicating autonomously, according to the IoT paradigm, to be used for monitoring and traceability of medical processes in hospitals or healthcare in general.