Danilo Pani

Associate professor of Biomedical Engineering
Vice-director of the Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Ph.D. in Electronic and Computer Engineering – University of Cagliari
M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering – University of Cagliari

Prof. Danilo Pani is the head of the MeDSP Lab.

Scientific publications
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1924-0875
E-mail: danilo.pani@unica.it

Danilo Pani on the University of Cagliari website


Main research fields

My research activity is focused on advanced biomedical signal processing and medical devices, with a particular emphasis on:
– Cardiac electrophysiology and non-invasive fetal ECG
– Telemedicine and telerehabilitation
– Wearable electronics and sensors for electrophysiological signals monitoring
– Electrophysiology of taste
– Neural signal processing

Something about me…

I started my academic career under the guidance of Prof. Luigi Raffo (EOLAB), bringing my experience in signal processing and embedded systems development at the service of medical applications. After a while, I understood that bioengineering is not the application of electronics to the biomedical field, but rather a stand-alone discipline with a broader approach in which the human being, the physiology, and the pathology represent the starting and ending point of the research, performed exploiting engineering approaches. The assiduity in the frequentation of the National Bioengineering Group (GNB) meetings helped me in refining my skills and knowledge of the bioengineering field, up to becoming for 5 years a member of the GNB Board of Directors. Along with the progress of my career, I started a collaboration with Prof. Annalisa Bonfiglio (DEALAB), to explore the world of wearable electronics and sensors. This gave me great opportunities and several stimuli for further research, in fruitful and continuous cooperation with the DEALAB team. MeDSP derives from this bag of experience, with the idea of representing a reference for the biomedical engineering activities at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the University of Cagliari.

I’m passionate about teaching as much as for research, considering the responsibility of the University in producing excellent research and in guiding the young to be the professionals and the researchers of tomorrow. This leads me to start every year new adventures, from the foundation of the IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter (with colleagues Calogero Oddo, Emiliano Schena, and Paola Saccomandi) to the organization of summer schools with top scientists on hot topics related to my main research.

Currently, I’m proudly part of the editorial board of Scientific Data (Springer Nature), IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, and PLOS Digital Health, as associate editor.

PI of research projects:

  • PRIN 2022 Project “VISIONARY – Advanced VISual feedback for neurorehabilitatION systems based on virtuAl RealitY”;
  • Cluster project “DoMoMEA – Tele-riabilitazione Domiciliare neuroMotoria a favore dei soggetti con esiti di ictus cerebrale a disabilità Moderata mediante dispositivi Elettronici Avanzati”. Sardegna Ricerche, POR FESR 2014/2020;
  • ELoRA – Low-power Real-time processing of neural signals for prosthetic aids”, Regional Project, Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, L.R.7/2007 Ricerca di Base;

Unit coordinator of research projects:

  • EU Project “MYRTUS – Multi-layer 360° dYnamic orchestrion and interopeRable design environmenT for compute-continUum Systems”;
  • PRIN 2017 Project “ICT4MOMS – An integrated approach to monitor and manage pregnancy development”;
  • EU FLAG-ERA “CONVERGENCE – Frictionless Energy Efficient Convergent Wearables for Healthcare and Lifestyle Applications”;

Team member in:

  • RiPARTO: Tele-Riabilitazione mediante Perturbazioni del feedback visivo per l’ARTO superiore”, funded by Sardegna Ricerche, call “PROOF of CONCEPT – Valorizzazione dei risultati della ricerca in biomedicina” – PO FESR 2014-2020
  • H2020 “SEARCH AND RESCUE: Emerging technologies for the Early location of Entrapped victims under Collapsed Structures and Advanced Wearables for risk assessment and First Responders Safety in SAR operations”;
  • PON “TEX-STYLE– New smart, sustainable multi-sectoral textiles for creative design and made-in-Italy style”;
  • PON “INSIEME – INtelligent Systems for Integrated health Management”;
  • EU FET “NEBIAS – NEurocontrolled BIdirectional Artificial upper limb and hand prosthesiS” 7th Framework Programme – ICT2013.9.6. FET Proactive (EVLIT) (ended);
  • AAL “HEREiAM – An interoperable platform for self care, social networking and managing of daily activities at home”, Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Joint Programme, call AAL-2012-5;
  • NEMESIS – Neurocontrolled mechatronic prosthesis” project of the Ministry of Health – Directorate General of Scientific and Technological Research, Call for Young Researchers 2009;
  • PRIN 2011 “HandBot – Biomechatronic hand prosthesis equipped with bioinspired tactile perception, bi-directional neural interfaces and sensor-motor control”;
  • RE.MO.TO. – Recovery of Movement and Telemonitoring for Rheumatologic Patients with Hand Disabilities”, Regional Project, Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, L.R.7/2007 Ricerca di Base