MeDSP team at SHARPER NIGHT- European Researchers’ Night 2021

Friday 24 from 5 pm it will be possible to meet Danilo Pani, Giulia Baldazzi and Monica Urru (ARNAS G. Brotzu) at the Botanical Garden of Cagliari during the seminar “Due cuori ed una mamma: alla scoperta dell’elettrocardiografia fetale“.

Over the years, University of Cagliari and ARNAS G. Brotzu have worked side by side to try to find solutions but also to allow many scholars around the world to study on real signals, creating the first dataset that combines non-invasive electrocardiographic measurements and fetal cardiac Doppler.

Researchers will try to tell you about the open challenges. We are waiting for you to discover innovative studies on fetal electrocardiography.


If you are interested in the topic,  visit ICT4MOMs project website

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