VISIONARY project KoM: preparing the ground for innovation

Last December 19th, the kick-off meeting of the VISIONARY project (Advanced VISual feedback for neurorehabilitatION Systems based on virtuAl RealitY) was held.

During the event, conducted in a confidential and remote mode to discuss the key strategies, the consortium presented the background knowledge and skills that form the foundations of the project, which will develop a new generation of bidirectional human-machine interfaces for neurorehabilitation, based on unobtrusive and low-cost technologies, which can be easily applied in supervised telerehabilitation interventions for stroke patients.

VISIONARY is a PRIN 2022 project that aims at designing and developing new interventions for neuromotor rehabilitation focused on the use of innovative visual feedback in bodyweight exercises.


Danilo Pani

Prof. Danilo Pani is the Head of the MeDSP Lab.

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