Peace is the virtue of the civilization. War is its crime.


My thoughts are with Ukraine. We have shown our solidarity with the people involved in the ongoing conflict, participated in the demonstration on Saturday and soon we will carry out other initiatives. This morning we decided to make available 10 scholarships for those coming from Ukraine, students from that country will be exempt from taxes and we have been activated immediately to find forms of hospitality and concrete actions for teachers. We are also activating an email address where all information can be gathered and we can keep in touch:

These were the words of the Rector Francesco Mola at the opening of the third cycle of seminars on gender studies, organized by the student association Reset UniCa in collaboration with the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Economic, Juridical and Political Sciences.

MeDSP Lab has the highest esteem and respect for all cultures and rejects any action related to violence and prevarication, at any level. There is no place for violence. We pray that reason and a sense of brotherhood among all peoples may restore peace soon. MeDSP team will do its best to support scientific paths on biomedical technologies with Ukrainian colleagues, students, and researchers.

UniCa for Peace: a service page to share useful INFORMATION AND APPEALS that follow one another in these hours

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