There is no place for violence and there will never be

The red benches are now a recognized symbol of the fight against violence against women. Even if it is virtual, we want to place one here, in our space, in order to spread a greater awareness of this worrying phenomenon.

One woman out of three suffers physical or psychological violence. It is necessary a daily commitment to help women to get out of situations of violence.

The quality of the research produced by the researchers of our team is very high and concretely represents the irreplaceable role of women in research.We are convinced that innovation has no gender, age or religion and that true success comes from teamwork and mutual respect. This laboratory is against all forms of violence and all types of discrimination. There is no place for violence and there will never be.

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women numerous awareness initiatives aimed at the academic and student community that the University of Cagliari promotes.
The communication campaign promoted by the University of Cagliari. Spot by Carolina Melis realized for Relive Communication

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