Mid-term public meeting of the VISIONARY project

The second public event of the VISIONARY project will be held next Tuesday, October 29th at 3:00 p.m., parallelly at the University of Cagliari, in the Auditorium of the Engineering Faculty, at the University of Genova and at Politecnico di Torino, which will be connected by  MS Teams. During the meeting, the partners will present the advancements and technological contributions of the project, the preliminary experimental protocol, and its rationale from a clinical point of view.
Prof. Danilo Pani, Dr. Giulia Sedda, Dr. Jessica Vacca of the MeDSP Lab, and Dr. Laura Lutzoni of the AOU Cagliari will present on-site, whereas the other partners will join remotely.

15:00 – Opening (Danilo Pani)
15:10 – Development and validation of a visual feedback perturbation library for reaching tasks in Unity3D (Jessica Vacca)
15:20 – Design and development of an EMG-based biofeedback protocol ​
performed in a virtual environment (Giulia Sedda)
15:35 – Body signals translated into cursor control: linear vs nonlinear mapping (Camilla Pierella and Matteo Moro) 
15:55 – A biomechanically driven multi-body optimization based on inertial and video data fusion for rehabilitation protocols (Marco Caruso and Diletta Balta)
16:15 – Virtual reality: developing new neuromotor strategies using visual feedback (Laura Lutzoni)
16:35 – Q&A and final remarks
17:00 – Closing of the event

We’ll be glad to meet you at the event!

Danilo Pani

Prof. Danilo Pani is the Head of the MeDSP Lab.

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