Gen 272011

I giorni 7/8/9 Febbraio p.v. – ore 15:00-17:30 – Sala B, presso il
Dipartimento di Fisica, Cittadella Universitaria di Monserrato

si terrà il seguente ciclo di lezioni su:

“Spatial Networks”

tenuto dal prof.  Marc Barthelemy
Institut de Physique Th eorique, CEA, IPhT CNRS, URA 2306 F-91191
Gif-sur-Yvette France and Centre d’Analyse et de Math ematique Sociales (CAMS, UMR 8557
CNRS-EHESS) Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 54 bd.
Raspail, F-75270 Paris Cedex 06, France.

Complex systems are very often organized under the form of networks
where nodes and edges are embedded in space. Transportation and
mobility networks, Internet, mobile phone networks, power grids,
social and contact networks, neural networks, are all examples where
space is relevant and where topology alone does not contain all the
information. Characterizing and understanding the structure and the
evolution of spatial networks is thus crucial for many different
fields ranging from urbanism to epidemiology. In this set of lectures
I will expose the current state of our understanding of how the
spatial constraints affect the structure and properties of these
networks. I will first review the most recent empirical observations
and then the most important models of spatial networks. If time
allows, I will also discuss various processes which take place on
these spatial networks, such as random walks, navigation, resilience,
and disease spread.


I. Introduction: Space and networks

II. Empirical results
1.Transportation networks
2. Infrastructure networks
3. Mobility networks

III. Models of spatial networks
1.Geometric graphs
2.Spatial generalization of the Erdos-Renyi graphs
3.Spatial generalizations of the Watt-Strogatz small-world
4.Spatial generalizations of the preferential attachment model
5.Optimal networks

IV. Processes on spatial networks
1.Random walks
2.Navigating and searching spatial networks
3.Robustness and resilience
4.Disease spreading

Marc Barthelemy is a former student of the Ecole Normale Superieure of
Paris. In 1992, he graduated at the University of Paris VI with a
thesis in theoretical physics titled “Random walks in random media”.
After his thesis, Marc Barthelemy focused on disordered systems and
their properties. In 1999, he visited Prof. Stanley at Boston
University and started to work on the properties of complex networks.
Since 1992, he has held a position at the CEA (Paris) where his
interests moved towards applications of statistical physics to complex
systems. In particular, he worked on complex networks, theoretical
epidemiology, and other problems in urban systems.

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.

Per informazioni: Alessandro Chessa

 Scritto da alle 20:27

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