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Keywords: Metaplanning; Geodesign; Planning Support Systems PSS; Business Process Management BPM; Business Process Model and Notation BPMN; Planning process
Trogu D, Campagna M (2018) Towards Spatial Composite Indicators: A Case Study on Sardinian Landscape. Sustainability 2018, 10(5), 1369; doi: 10.3390/su10051369 open access
Campagna M, Di Cesare E A, Matta A, Serra M (2018) Bridging the Gap Between Strategic Environmental Assessment and Planning: A Geodesign Perspective. International Journal of e-Planning Research, 7 (1), pp 34-52 , ISSN 2160-9918
Demetriou D, Campagna M, Racetin I, Konecny M (2017) Integrating Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) with Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) creating a Global GIS platform. In: Mapping and the Citizen Sensor, Edited by: G Foody, L See, S Fritz, P Mooney, AM Olteanu-Raimond, C costa Fonte & V Antoniou. Ubiquity Press, London. Pp. 273-297
Campagna M (2017) “Geodesign A-to-Z: Evolution of a Syllabus for Architects and Engineers. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 2-2017. Herbert Wichmann Verlag, VDE VERLAG GMBH · Berlin· Offenbach. ISBN 978-3-87907-629-1, ISSN 2367-4253, doi:10.14627/537629028. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (
Campagna M, Steinitz C, Di Cesare EA, Cocco, C, Ballal H, Canfield T (2016) Collaboration in planning: the Geodesign approach. Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna 35: 27–43 free download
Campagna M (2016) From Metaplanning to PSS 2.0: Exploring the architecture of Geodesign as a process. Research in Urbanism Series, [S.l.], v. 4, sep. 2016. ISSN 1879-8217. Available at: <>. doi:
Campagna M (2016) Sistemas de suporte ao Planejamento (Planning Supoort Systems): retrospectivas and prospectivas. In: Mourao Moura A.C. (ed) Tecnologias de Geoinformação para representar e Planejar o Territorio Urbano. Editora Interciencia. Rio de Janeiro
Campagna M, Di Cesare E (2016) Geodesign: Lost in Regulations (and in Practice). In Papa R and Fistola R (eds.), Smart Energy in the Smart City, Green Energy and Technology, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. ISBN: 978-3-319-31155-5. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-31157-9_16
Campagna M, Achenza M, Iannuzzi Y, Cocco C. (2014) Geospatial Technologies for the Built Heritage Management: Experiences in Sardinia, Italy. In M. Ioannides et al. (Eds.): EuroMed 2014, LNCS 8740, pp. 598–605, 2014. Springer International Publishing Switzerland
Ivanov K.A., Campagna M., Kudinov A.V., Markov N.G. (2014) Volunteered geographic information systems in municipal and regional management. Information society, Moscow, Russia, ?3, pp. 10-19 [Original in Russian language]
Campagna M*, Floris R , Girsheva A, Ivanov K, Massa P (2014) The role of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and Social Media Geographic Information (SMGI) in Spatial Planning. Position Paper for the Workshop “Role of Volunteered Geographic Information in Advancing Science: Effective Utilization” organized in Conjunction with the Eighth International Conference on Geographic Information Science, TU Vienna September 23, 2014
Campagna M, Matta A (2014) Geoinformation technologies in sustainable spatial planning: a Geodesign approach to local land-use planning, Proc. SPIE 9229, Second International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2014), doi:10.1117/12.2066189
Campagna M, Ivanov K, Massa P (2014) Orchestrating the spatial planning process: from Business Process Management to 2nd generation Planning Support Systems. In Huerta, Schade, Granell (Eds): Proceedings of the 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place, 3-6 June 2014, Castellón, Spain
Campagna M (2014) Geodesign from theory to practice: from metaplanning to 2nd generation Planning Support Systems. In: TeMA – Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment Special Issue Eighth International Conference INPUT Smart City Planning for Energy, Transportation and Sustainability of the Urban System, Naples, 46 June 2014
Campagna M, Di Cesare E (2014) Geodesign: from theory to practice in the search for Geodesign principles in Italian planning regulations. In: TeMA – Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment Special Issue Eighth International Conference INPUT Smart City Planning for Energy, Transportation and Sustainability of the Urban System, Naples, 46 June 2014
Massa P, Campagna M (2014) Social Media Geographic Information: recent findings and opportunities for smart spatial planning. In: TeMA – Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment Special Issue Eighth International Conference INPUT Smart City Planning for Energy, Transportation and Sustainability of the Urban System, Naples, 46 June 2014
Floris R, Campagna M (2014) Tourism Planning in Social Media Data: Analysing Tourists Satisfaction In Space And Time. In: TeMA – Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment Special Issue Eighth International Conference INPUT Smart City Planning for Energy, Transportation and Sustainability of the Urban System, Naples, 46 June 2014
Massa P, Campagna M (2014) Social Media Geographic Information: Current developments and opportunities in urban and regional planning. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society GeoMultimedia 2014
Campagna M, Kudinov A, Girsheva A, Ivanov K, Kopnov M, Falqui R (2013). Place, I Care! Crowdsourcing Planning Information. AESOP-ACSP Congress Book of Abstract. University College Dublin.
Campagna M, Craglia M, 2012, “The socioeconomic impact of the spatial data infrastructure of Lombardy” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 39(6) 1069 – 1083
Campagna M, 2012, Ontologia, Informazione e Pianificazione Spaziale, Italian Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 11 – n. 1, 2012, pp. 139-1442010
Campagna M, De Montis A, Lai S, Isola F, Pira C, and Zoppi C (eds) Planning Support tools: policy analysis, implementation and Evaluation, Franco Angeli, ISBN:978885687597 – free preview sample
Campagna M, 2012, “Planning Support Systems: open issues for research, education and the planning practice” in Campagna M, De Montis A, Lai S, Isola F, Pira C, and Zoppi C (eds) Planning Support tools: policy analysis, implementation and Evaluation, Franco Angeli, ISBN:978885687597, pp 27-38
Campagna M, Kudinov A, Ivanov K, and Ghirsheva A, 2012, “GeoInformatics and Spatial planning bridging the gap towards GeoDesign: focus on VGI” in Campagna M, De Montis A, Lai S, Isola F, Pira C, and Zoppi C (eds) Planning Support tools: policy analysis, implementation and Evaluation, Franco Angeli, ISBN:9788856875973, pp 1151-1161
Trogu D and Campagna M, 2012, “Spatial statistics andComposite Indicators: A review of existing case studies and open research issues on Spatial Composite Indicators” in Campagna M, De Montis A, Lai S, Isola F, Pira C, and Zoppi C (eds) Planning Support tools: policy analysis, implementation and Evaluation, Franco Angeli, ISBN:9788856875973, pp 993-1005
Corona C and Campagna M, 2012, “Feasibility and design of a bike sharing system in Cagliari: a geodesign perspective” in Campagna M, De Montis A, Lai S, Isola F, Pira C, and Zoppi C (eds) Planning Support tools: policy analysis, implementation and Evaluation, Franco Angeli, ISBN:978885687597, pp1883-1897
Porceddu M and Campagna M, 2012, “Urbanisation processes in landscape protected areas in Sardinia” in Campagna M, De Montis A, Lai S, Isola F, Pira C, and Zoppi C (eds) Planning Support tools: policy analysis, implementation and Evaluation, Franco Angeli, ISBN:9788856875973, pp 427-437
Campagna M (2012). Geographic Information Systems (GIS). In: The Encyclopedia of Sustainability: Vol. 6. Measurements, Indicators, and Research Methods for Sustainability. vol. 6, p. 155-159, Massachusetts:Berkshire publishing group LLC, ISBN: 1933782404
DE MONTIS A, CASCHILI S, CAMPAGNA M., CHESSA A, DEPLANO G (2008). Time Evolution of Complex Networks: Commuting Systems in Insular Italy. In: 48th Congress of the European Regional Science Association. Liverpool (UK), 27-31 August 2008
De Montis A, Chessa A, Campagna M, Caschili S, Deplano G (2007) “Grouping complex systems: a weighted network comparative analysisâ€, International Conference Proceedings of the Joint Congress of the European Regional Science Association (47th Congress) and ASRDLF (Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française, 44th Congress)ERSA 2007, Paris (FR) Abstract: The paradigm of complex network has been used to model many real world phenomena, such as food webs, human interactions, the Internet, the world wide web, the spread of diseases, and genomics and proteomics. All these networks share a common structure: they are complex systems characterized by not identical elements connected by different kinds of interactions. Recently also in many fields grouped under the realm of regional science, a number of scholars have begun applying the paradigm of complex network analysis for modeling urban, regional and socio-economic systems. Such network models can be conceived of as interlaced compositions of individual entities (the nodes) and their multiple interactions (the links). In this study, the authors compare two inter-municipal commuting networks (MCN) pertaining to the Italian islands of Sardinia and Sicily, by approaching their characterization through a weighted network analysis. They develop on the results obtained for the MCN of Sardinia (De Montis et al. in press) and attempt to use network analysis as a mean of detection of similarities or dissimilarities between the systems at hand. De Montis, A., Barthelemy, M., Chessa, A. e Vespignani, A. (in press) The Structure of Inter-urban Traffic: A Weighted Network Analysis. Environment and Planning B – Planning and Design.Campagna M, Caschili S, Chessa A, De Montis A, Deplano G (2007) “Modeling commuters dynamics as complex network: the influence of the spaceâ€, CUPUM 2007 International Conference Proceedings, Iguassu Falls (BR) Abstract: This study extends previous works developed by the authors analysing the interplay between the dynamics and the economics of the real network underlying the regional inter-municipal commuting system of Sardinia, Italy. Further insights have been earned into the influence of the network spatial properties, by means of network modelling in GIS environment, which takes into account the inter-municipal distance features of the corresponding physical transport network. The authors discuss how modelling complex networks in a GIS environment may be considered an innovative approach in the field, as it allows to better think spatially about complex network models. In this perspective, they outlook a working framework on the possible integration settings between GIS and complex networks models.
CAMPAGNA M., DE MONTIS A, DEPLANO G. (2006). PSS design: a general framework perspective. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. vol. 6, pp. 163-179 ISSN: 1466-2132. Abstract: The paper presents a tentative framework for Planning Support System (PSS) design. The aim is to aid planners to fully exploit the potential offered by the introduction of Spatial Information Technology into planning practice. The framework proposed is based on a taxonomy of PSSs, which offers different conceptual models useful to adapt a general PSS model to different planning processes. The taxonomy is intended to set the application domain on which planners and developers may enhance the dialogue in system requirements analysis. A case study is proposed to illustrate the framework application and a perspective for further research development is given. Keywords: information and communication technology, planning support systems, information systems design.
CAMPAGNA M. (2006). GIS for Sustainable Development. ISBN: 0-8493-3051-3. BOCA RATON: Taylor & Francis Group – CRC (UNITED STATES).
GIS for Sustainable Development_ Flyer.pdf
ARLETH M, CAMPAGNA M. (2005). Accessibility of GI for Public Participation: A Danish-Italian comparative study. In: 8th AGILE Conference on GIScience Conference Proceedings. Toppen, F and Painho, M (eds). 8th AGILE Conference on GIScience Conference. May 26-28, 2005. SUMMARY This paper reports an ongoing comparative study on the accessibility of Geographic Information at public authorities’ websites in Denmark and Italy. The purpose of the study is twofold; to give an idea of the latest development and diffusion of GI on public authorities websites, and to identify critical factors for success or failure of the applications. First part of the study therefore consists of a mapping of the level of accessibility of GI in the two countries as a comparative analysis. The focus of the mapping is mainly on the use of geographic information as support to citizens’ involve…
CAMPAGNA M., MARC BARTHELEMY, ALESSANDRO CHESSA, ANDREA DE MONTIS, ALESSANDRO VESPIGNANI. (2005). SPATIAL PROPERTIES OF WEIGHTED COMPLEX NETWORKS: A REAL WORLD CASE STUDY. In: Abstract of the 9th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Management. 9th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Management. July 2005. (vol. paper 357, pp. 1-17). ISBN/ISSN: 0-9550581-0-4.Abstract: We present the analysis of the inter-municipal commuting network of the Island of Sardinia, Italy. The logical and the physical network properties are investigated through several characterizing measures and discussed in relation with socio-economic and traffic emerging characteristics of Sardinia. The analysis presented here might represent a relevant tool in supporting policy-making and planning processes. Key-words: small worlds, scale free networks, weighted complex networks, commuting networks, socio-economic networks. LONDON: CASA University College London (UNITED KINGDOM).
CAMPAGNA M., METTE ARLETH. (2005). PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION GI-BASED WEB-SITES FOR SPATIAL PLANNING: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS. In: Abstracts of the 9th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Management. Computers in Urban Planning and Management. 2005. (vol. paper 384, pp. 1-16). ISBN/ISSN: 0-9550581-0-4. Abstract: In many countries, governments and local administrations promote initiatives to exploit the potential offered by the Internet giving citizens access to online virtual spaces on the Web where they deliver public sector information and services. Developments in web-GIS technology (Peng and Tzou, 2003) offer a plethora of tools for managing Geographic Information (GI) on the web. Those governmental bodies and local authorities whose mandates concern spatial development, started to publish GI contents on their web sites: according to their mandates, some of them publish geographic data implementing planning procedure on the web. With this premise, the paper deals with the use of Public Administration GI on the web, and focuses on the support to spatial planning processes. The results are presented of an ongoing comparative study on the accessibility of Geographic Information at public authorities’ websites in Denmark and Italy based on an analysis methodology already applied to the Ital…
CAMPAGNA M., GIANCARLO DEPLANO. (2004). Evaluating geographic information provision within public administration websites. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-PLANNING & DESIGN. vol. 31, pp. 21-37 ISSN: 0265-8135. Abstract. The authors are concerned with the provision of public sector geographic information (GI) and the use of GI technologies (GITs) within public administration websites, with particular reference to planning. Results of a survey carried out by the authors on an Italian case study are evaluated with respect to the GI content and technology adopted. A rapid evaluation method is proposed to analyse and compare GI/GIT-diffusion frameworks within public administration at the national level.
CAMPAGNA M. (2004). Le tecnologie dell’informazione spaziale per il governo dei processi insediativi. (vol. 1, pp. 13-175). ISBN: 8846454154.
Il volume approfondisce aspetti della ricerca scientifica nel campo dei sistemi di supporto alla pianificazione del territorio. Partendo dall’analisi delle teorie e dei metodi tradizionali della pianificazione, sono esplorate le potenzialità innovative degli strumenti e delle tecnologie dell’informazione spaziale applicate alla disciplina urbanistica. L’autore rivolge particolare interesse all’approfondimento delle scienze dell’informazione geografica ed al loro impiego nei processi online di governo del territorio. Tale tendenza, di recente affermatisi nella pubblica amministrazione grazie alla diffusione di Internet, consente di attualizzare la metafora delle cosiddette “città digitali” integrandosi con le pratiche innovative di gestione urbana. MILANO: Franco Angeli.
CAMPAGNA M., DEPLANO G. (2004). What’s Planning (Support System Design)?. In: Proceedings 12th Int. Conference on Geoinformatics − Geospatial Information Research: Bridging the Pacific and Atlantic. Geoinformatics 2004. 7-9 June 2004.
CAMPAGNA M., DEPLANO G. (2003). Procedure VIA e VAS in Sardegna. AREAVASTA. vol. 6/7, pp. 70-75 ISSN: 1825-7526. Abstract: Anche se in ritardo rispetto alle altre regioni italiane, anche la Sardegna sta procedendo alla valutazione ex ante ambientale. Giancarlo Deplano e Michele Campagna, illustrano le recenti esperienze di Via maturate in quella regione.
DEPLANO G, CAMPAGNA M. (2003). Abusivismo e ambiente: il paradosso di Molentargius. URBANISTICA INFORMAZIONI. vol. 190 ISSN: 0392-5005.
CAMPAGNA M. (2001). SIRCS: Sistema Informativo Geografico per la gestione degli interventi di recupero nel Centro Storico. In: POLETTI A. GIS Metodi e Strumenti per un nuovo Governo della Città e del territorio. : Maggioli (ITALY).