The 23rd International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications – ICCSA 2023 – Athens, July 3 – 6, 2023

 Events  Commenti disabilitati su The 23rd International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications – ICCSA 2023 – Athens, July 3 – 6, 2023
Feb 112023


The 23rd International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications

The 23rd International Conference on

“Smart, Safe and Health Cities”


in conjunction with

The 2023 International Conference on Computational
Science and its Applications (ICCSA 2023)

July 3rd – July 6th 2023

Athens, Greece



The Covid-19 Pandemic and climate change repropose the issues of the relation between the built environment (BE) and quality of life, subjective well-being (SWB), Liveability and Health. In response to these new urban concerns, urban policies have focused on reorganising cities to improve strategies for achieving resilience, sustainability, inclusion and individuals’ quality of life. The C40 cities initiative, that include 100 major cities in several Countries, underlines the need for actions of urban regeneration as a central condition for a sustainable and just recovery. Strategies adopted in several cities, including Milan, Paris, Bogotà, Portland, Melbourne focus on a re-configuration of the built environment aimed at implementing smart and sustainable mobility solutions, expanding the ecological infrastructure, increasing the provision of basic services at the district scale, and transforming public and open spaces for multi-functional uses (C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, 2020; Miller, 2021). The emerging urban concepts proposed for the post-pandemic scenario converge on the idea of an adaptive transformation of the urban environment based on criteria of density, diversity, safety, proximity and digitalisation. These aspects can be summarised in the idea of the smart and healthy city. The latter can be defined as an urban concept that prefigures the integration of the dimensions of proximity and diversity of primary and secondary uses, localization and distribution of local services, density, digitalisation and usability of public and open spaces, as central aspects for constructing a city, for the post-pandemic scenario, that ensures quality of life, well-being, sustainability, and social inclusion.

Thus, the proposed workshop aims to investigate (but is not limited) the issue of the relation between built environment components and SWB, as a key aspect for the construction of smarter, safer, and healthier cities for the post-pandemic scenario.

The workshop will host contributions focusing on the theoretical and methodological approaches related to the construction of a smart, safe and healthy city for the post-pandemic scenario. More precisely, the pertinent topics will include: i) the conceptualisation of the post-pandemic city within the perspective of the smarter, safer, and healthier city; ii) the influence of physical components of the urban built environment on quality of life; iii) the role of public and open spaces to promote a liveable and sustainable urban environment; iv) the influence of urban characteristics on the perception of the built environment from the different categories of citizens; v) the analytic methods, tools and techniques to support urban decision process oriented to smart, safe and healthy cities; vi) strategies of urban planning within a perspective of sustainability, inclusion and cohesion.

Given the focus of the Conference on Computational Science issues, the workshop welcomes contributions on ICT and computational aspects, proposals, and applications from a wide variety of scholars on the above-mentioned issues.

Engineers, Geologists, Urban and Regional Planners, Landscape Architects, Geographers and Economic Geographers, Environmental Engineers, among others are welcome to contribute.

Keywords: Climate Change, Smart and Sustainable Cities, Smart governance, Urban Resilience, Participatory Mapping, Citizen Science, Open Data, Big Data, Sustainability, Urban and Regional Planning, Pollution in riverine and marine environments, Effects that climate change has on the waste management infrastructure, Challenges, and opportunities for innovation cities

Each paper will be independently reviewed by 3 programme committee members. Their individual scores will be evaluated by a small sub-committee and result in one of the following final decisions: accepted, or accepted on the condition that suggestions for improvement will be incorporated, or rejected. Notification of this decision will take place on May 2023.
Individuals and groups should submit complete papers (12 to 18 pages).
Accepted contributions will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) volumes


Authors Guideline
Please adhere strictly to the formatting provided in the template to prepare your paper and refrain from modifying it. The submitted paper must be camera-ready and formatted according to the rules of LNCS. For formatting information, see the publisher’s web site ( Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper.

download the template


Papers should be submitted at:
Please don’t forget to select “Smart, Safe and Health Cities” – SSHC_2023)” workshop from the drop-down list of all workshops.


Papers accepted to “SSHC 2023” will be published in the ICCSA Conference proceedings, in Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, with doi, indexed by WOS, Scopus and DBLP.



Important dates

April 20, 2023: Deadline for full paper submission
April 30, 2023: Notification of Acceptance
May 12, 2023: Submission deadline for the final version of the Proceeding Paper (hard deadline)
May 12, 2023: Registration ends (hard deadline).
July 3-6, 2023: ICCSA 2023 Conference in Athens, Greece


Organizers Information:

Chiara Garau, (University of Cagliari),
Gerardo Carpentieri, (University of Naples Federico II)
Floriana Zucaro, (University of Naples Federico II)
Aynaz Lotfata, (Chicago State University)
Alfonso Annunziata, (University of Cagliari)
Diego Altafini, (University of Pisa)


Scientific Committee:

Gerardo Carpentieri, University of Naples Federico II

Ilaria Delponte, University of Genoa, Italy

Chiara Garau, University of Cagliari, Italy

Claudia Loggia, School of Built Environment & Development Studies, University of kwaZulu-Natal

Aynaz Lotfata, Chicago State University

Beniamino Murgante, University of Basilicata, Italy

John Östh, Faculty of Technology, Art and Design, OsloMet, Oslo

Mariano Pernetti, University of Campania, Italy

Francesco Pinna, University of Cagliari, Italy

Alessandro Plaisant, University of Sassari, Italy

Silvia Rossetti, University of Parma, Italy

Francesco Scorza, University of Basilicata, Italy

Paola Zamperlin, University of Florence, Italy

Floriana Zucaro, University of Naples Federico II

Alfonso Annunziata, University of Cagliari

Diego Altafini, (University of Pisa)





The 22nd International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications – ICCSA 2022 – Malaga, July 4 – 7, 2022

 Events, News  Commenti disabilitati su The 22nd International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications – ICCSA 2022 – Malaga, July 4 – 7, 2022
Feb 072022


The 22nd International Conference on

New mobility choices for sustainable and alternative  scenarios


in conjunction with

The 2022 International Conference on Computational
Science and its Applications (ICCSA 2022)
July 4th – July 7th 2022

Malaga, Spain



Over 70% of EU citizens live in cities and this produces around 23% of all greenhouse gas emissions from transport. In order to ensure the adoption of strategies related to sustainable and intelligent mobility, interurban and urban mobility must become more sustainable, intelligent and healthy.

In this way, it is necessary to intervene on urban planning and mobility actions (promoting the spread of SUMPs and new transport infrastructures and services) but also on modal choices and therefore on travel habits (relating to users and therefore to transport demand).

These strategies aim to contribute to the EU’s greenhouse gas reduction targets as set out in the climate law (including -55% by 2030) improve transport and mobility to, in and around cities, as well as improve the efficiency of goods and home deliveries.

In order to make urban transport resilient, environmentally friendly and energy efficient, it is also necessary to identify zero-emission solutions not only for mobility but also for urban logistics (also by integrating sustainable urban logistics plans (SULP) within the SUMP framework).

To support this, it is necessary to provide for an acceleration of digitization and innovation by incorporating urban mobility into the work on the supply and processing of commercially sensitive data for multimodal digital mobility services such as Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and on a common European space for mobility data to facilitate access and sharing of mobility data. All this will allow for a greater spread of “Climate-neutral” and “Smart Cities” in the coming years.

The workshop focuses on theoretical and practical  overview of the development of mobility aspects  and possible outcomes on urban and non-urban context.

In particular, it is based on the development of studies on the opportunities and changes produced in urban areas on both demand and supply of transport and logistics.

The objective of this workshop is to bring researchers (scientific computing and applications in all fields of science, engineering, technology, economics, law and social sciences) as well as qualified professionals working on basic and applied sciences to present, compare and discuss research progress, applications and achievements and to design future perspectives of “new urban mobility”. This workshop stimulates the presentation of thoughtful insights by presenting original interdisciplinary research results and case studies on the relevant topic.

Significant progress has been made in the last decades with the adoption of shared mobility, the improvement of vehicle power supply and the promotion of walking and micro mobility for short distances, challenges still remain on the nature of changes on mobility considering also the recent pandemic. This workshop aims to bring together researchers from different scientific communities dealing with urban mobility planning and design, land use and infrastructure from engineering, psychological and social, economic and legal perspectives, in order to focus on the evolution of alternative transport modes that serve the objectives of sustainable urban mobility. The workshop focuses on the treatment of various case studies related to trends in the urban transport and mobility sector before, during and after the pandemic with a focus on evaluation methods and developments.

Following topics are of interests to the workshop:

  • Sustainable urban mobility planning (SUMP) and sustainable urban logistics plans (SULP)
  • Decarbonization strategies, sustainable and resilient mobility development (models and principles applied in illustrative case studies, including reports on local practices, international thematic experiences, innovations in regional and national legislation).
  • Analysis of the economic and social aspects of transport and logistics system.
  • Urban planning, sustainability, infrastructural and social challenges (social inclusion, territorial cooperation, planning for resilient communities, land use changes, participatory planning processes, and urban environment)
  • E-commerce and logistics last-mile
  • Electric and hybrid mobility
  • Smart cities
  • Application of microsimulation in sustainable traffic planning and neutral cities

Given the focus of the Conference on Computational Science issues, the workshop NEWMOB welcomes contributions on ICT and computational aspects, proposals and applications from a wide variety of scholars on the issues proposed.

Engineers, Geologists, Urban and Regional Planners, Landscape Architects, Geographers and Economic Geographers, Environmental Engineers, among others are welcome to contribute.

Keywords: Configurative analysis, cities, urban morphology, urban dynamics, sustainability.

Each paper will be independently reviewed by 3 programme committee members. Their individual scores will be evaluated by a small sub-committee and result in one of the following final decisions: accepted, or accepted on the condition that suggestions for improvement will be incorporated, or rejected. Notification of this decision will take place on April 2022.
Individuals and groups should submit complete papers (10 to 16 pages).
Accepted contributions will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) volumes


Authors Guideline
Please adhere strictly to the formatting provided in the template to prepare your paper and refrain from modifying it. The submitted paper must be camera-ready and formatted according to the rules of LNCS. For formatting information, see the publisher’s web site ( Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper.

download the template


Papers should be submitted at:
Please don’t forget to select “New mobility choices for sustainable and alternative  scenarios” – NEWMOB_2022)” workshop from the drop-down list of all workshops.


Papers accepted to “NEWMOB 2022” will be published in the ICCSA Conference proceedings, in Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, with doi, indexed by WOS, Scopus and DBLP.


Important dates

27 March 2022: Deadline for full paper submission
15 April 2022: Notification of acceptance
10 May 2022: Early-bird registration ends
10 May 2022: Deadline for Camera Ready Papers
4-7 July, 2022ICCSA 2022 Conference


Organizers Information:

Tiziana Campisi, (University of Enna KORE)
Socrates Basbas, (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
Aleksandra Deluka-Tibljaš , (University of Rijeka, Croatia)
Alexandros Nikitas, (University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom)
Ioannis Politis, (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,  GREECE)
Georgios Georgiadis, (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,  GREECE)
Irena Ištoka Otković, (University of Osijek, Croatia)
Sanja Surdonja, (University of Rijeka, Croatia)


Scientific Committee:

Socrates Basbas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki-Greece

Tiziana Campisi ,University of Enna Kore –Italy

Nikiforos Stamatiadis, University of Kentucky-USA

Aleksandra Deluka-Tibljaš University of Rijeka-Croatia

Kh Md Nahiduzzaman The University of British Columbia UBC-Canada


The 22nd International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications – ICCSA 2022 – Malaga, July 4 – 7, 2022

 Events, News  Commenti disabilitati su The 22nd International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications – ICCSA 2022 – Malaga, July 4 – 7, 2022
Feb 072022


The 22nd International Conference on

Psycho-social analysis of sustainable mobility in the pre- and post-pandemic phase


in conjunction with

The 2022 International Conference on Computational
Science and its Applications (ICCSA 2022)
July 4th – July 7th 2022

Malaga, Spain



The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to an upheaval in daily lifestyles and interpersonal dynamics, affecting the psychosocial well-being of the entire community. Health emergencies, such as the spread of epidemics, can cause significant stress and anxiety; this is even more understandable in light of the specific characteristics of the current pandemic and the restrictive measures deliberately adopted to deal with it.

COVID-19 has significantly affected urban mobility. Many people have reduced their travel due to local restrictions and have preferred to abandon public transport. The urban planning sector has felt the effects of the pandemic and has recognised the need of social distance in public transport. Road users tended to revert to use private vehicles for long distance travels, or they tended to use walking, cycling and micromobility for short distance trips. Cities and local authorities have organised themselves to create a range of interventions to rehabilitate or redesign walking, cycling and micromobility infrastructures in order to reduce car use and achieve sustainable mobility with zero-emission. In many countries, transport planners and policy makers have aimed to introduce a guideline for these sustainable travel modes. On the other hand, the pandemic period has not only changed daily travel behaviour but also has altered the travel demand for commercial needs. For instance, there has been an increase in e-commerce activities.

Regarding to these impacts of COVID-19 on the urban mobility, this workshop focuses on the psycho-social aspects of the pandemic, and possible outcomes on urban mobility for pre- and post-pandemic phases. The objective of this workshop is to bring researchers (scientific computing and applications in all fields of science, engineering, technology, economics, law and social sciences) as well as qualified professionals to present, compare and discuss their research progress, applications and achievements. This workshop stimulates the presentation of thoughtful insights by presenting original interdisciplinary research results and case studies on the relevant topic.

The current COVID-19 pandemic event is promoting actions aimed at defining a new sustainable and resilient mobility. Although significant progress has been made in the last decades, thanks to the adoption of shared mobility, the improvement of the electric power supply of vehicles and the promotion of walking and micro mobility for short distances electric mobility, challenges still remain on the nature of changes on mobility during the post COVID-19 era.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers from different scientific communities dealing with urban mobility, land uses and infrastructure from the engineering, psychological and social, economic and legal points of view in order to focus on the evolution of alternative transport modes that serve the goals of sustainable urban mobility.

The workshop focuses on the treatment of various case studies related to the trends of urban transport and mobility sector before, during and after the pandemic with particular attention to evaluation methods and developments.

Following topics are of interests to the workshop:

  • Sustainable and resilient mobility development (models and principles applied in illustrative case studies, including reports on local practices, international thematic experiences, innovations in regional and national legislation).
  • Analysis of the economic and social aspects of post COVID-19 transport
  • Urban planning, sustainability, infrastructural and social challenges (social inclusion, territorial cooperation, planning for resilient communities, land use changes, participatory planning processes, and urban environment)
  • Comparison before, during and post COVID-19 mobility scenarios
  • Post-pandemic transport supply and demand analysis

Given the focus of the Conference on Computational Science issues, the workshop PSYCHE welcomes contributions on ICT and computational aspects, proposals and applications from a wide variety of scholars on the issues proposed.

Engineers, Geologists, Urban and Regional Planners, Landscape Architects, Geographers and Economic Geographers, Environmental Engineers, among others are welcome to contribute.

Keywords: Configurative analysis, cities, urban morphology, urban dynamics, sustainability.

Each paper will be independently reviewed by 3 programme committee members. Their individual scores will be evaluated by a small sub-committee and result in one of the following final decisions: accepted, or accepted on the condition that suggestions for improvement will be incorporated, or rejected. Notification of this decision will take place on April 2022.
Individuals and groups should submit complete papers (10 to 16 pages).
Accepted contributions will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) volumes


Authors Guideline
Please adhere strictly to the formatting provided in the template to prepare your paper and refrain from modifying it. The submitted paper must be camera-ready and formatted according to the rules of LNCS. For formatting information, see the publisher’s web site ( Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper.

download the template


Papers should be submitted at:
Please don’t forget to select “Psycho-social analysis of sustainable mobility in the pre- and post-pandemic phase” – PSYCHE_2022)” workshop from the drop-down list of all workshops.


Papers accepted to “PSYCHE 2022” will be published in the ICCSA Conference proceedings, in Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, with doi, indexed by WOS, Scopus and DBLP.


Important dates

27 March 2022: Deadline for full paper submission
15 April 2022: Notification of acceptance
10 May 2022: Early-bird registration ends
10 May 2022: Deadline for Camera Ready Papers
4-7 July, 2022ICCSA 2022 Conference


Organizers Information:

Tiziana Campisi, (University of Enna KORE)
Socrates Basbas, (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
Dilum Dissanayake, (Newcastle University, UK)
Nurten Akgün Tanbay, (Bursa Technical University, Turkey)
Elena Cocuzza, (DICAR, University of Catania)
Nazam Ali, (University of Management and Technology, Lahore – Pakistan)
Vincenza Torrisi, (DICAR, University of Catania)


Scientific Committee:

Tiziana Campisi, University of Enna Kore-Italy

Giovanni Tesoriere, University of Enna Kore-Italy

Socrates Basbas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki- Greece

Irena Ištoka Otković, University of Osijek-Croatia

Dilum Dissanayake, Newcastle University-UK


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