Complete Curriculum


Name: Sandro DeMuro
Position: Full Professor
Degree. 1981-1984
Degree in Geological Science with marks of 110/110 and honours (University of Cagliari).

Military Service: 1985-1987.
72nd Reserve Officer Course at the Naval Academy in Livorno. Service carried out as Officer of the Italian Navy at the Direzione Marittima di Cagliari – Operating Centre for the Defence of the Seas (Coast Guard).

Research Doctorate: 1987-1990
Doctor in Environmental Marine Science (Geological Oceanography and Resources – Univ. Trieste).

Work as Researcher / Associate / Full Professor:
1991-1997: Researcher at University of Trieste in the Department of Geological, Environmental and Marine Science (Trieste).
1997-2001: Researcher at University of Cagliari, where he has carried out research and didactic activity; presently he carries out research and didactic activity as Associated Professor of Physical Geography and Geomorphology at University of Cagliari (Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences).
2001-2022: Associate Professor at University of Cagliari (Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences).
from 2022: Full Professor at University of Cagliari (Department of Chemical and
Geological Sciences).

Teaching experience:
He held Experimental Course in Coastal and Submarine Survey and lessons for the courses in Geomorphology, Geography and Sedimentology for the Degree Course in Geological Science at the University of Trieste and the Degree Course in Natural Science at the University of Cagliari.
As Associate Professor has held courses of Physical Geography and Geomorphology, Geology with Surveying Techniques, Marine Geology with Applications, Geomorphological Surveying and Underwater Cartography. In the last 27 years has regularly taught: Physical Geography and Geomorphology and Beach Morphodynamics.
Member of the Doctorate Board: Doctorate in Earth Science and Doctorate in Geo-Engineering and Environmental Technologies; Doctorate School in Engineering and Environmental and Territorial Science; International PhD in innovation Sciences and Technologies.


Research work in the fields of Coastal and Marine Geomorphology, Sedimentology and Marine Geology, extending the field to the study of coastal sedimentary dynamics, hydrodynamics and Geology of the Quaternary.
Coordinator of international and national research projects in which has organized and directed numerous land-sea research campaigns (over 90 in Italy and abroad) with particular attention to Mediterranean, Australian and Periantarctic areas regarding: geomorphological, sedimentological and evolutionary studies in coastal areas and on the continental shelf of Sardinia, Adriatic, Morocco and the island of Crete; geomorphological, sedimentological and palaeoclimatic research in coastal areas and on the continental shelf in Periantarctic areas (Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego); marine geomorphological research in areas of continental margins (reconstruction of morphotectonic and stratigraphic characteristics of the active continental margin of Southern Chile).
This work has led to the publication of over 200 studies subdivided into: national and international magazine articles; active participation at conferences; essays and scientific papers; cartography (over 30 maps) and contributions to volumes. Producer of four didactic-scientific documentaries produced on the Straits of Bonifacio (Corsica-Sardinia), on the evolution of the coastal area of Patagonico-fuegina (Strait of Magellan) and on the dynamics, management and evolutionary tendencies of Mediterranean beaches.
Sandro DeMuro was President of the Scientific Commission for the Coastal Observatory of the Autonomous Sardinian Region from 2006 to 2008.

Technological transfer and spin-off.


He has participated, with the role of scientific coordinator, to the organizing and start-up of the Mediterranean Coastal and Marine Laboratory “MEDCOASTLAB”, in temporary joint ventures with the Battellieri Cagliari and Sardegna Progetta. This is a specialized and innovative laboratory, able to regularly provide multidisciplinary scientific data to decision-makers with the aim to develop advanced technologies, and to model coastal and dynamic geomorphological scenarios also for forecasting purposes. It mainly works on the study and prediction of the erosion, transport and sedimentation processes and forecasting of temporary floodings, and it is oriented to the correct management of the beaches, through the ordered, structured and integrated acquisition of wind and waves parameters, and hydrodynamic, sedimentological and geomorphological data. The interpretation of these data are strengthened by measures deriving from coastal video-monitoring units and by the development of calculation codes useful for the correct modeling of the morphodynamic processes that regulate the stability and naturalness of the beaches. MEDCOAST LAB is currently involved in the continuation of the N.E.P.T.U.N.E. (Natural Erosion Forecasting Through Use of Numerical Environment) for the experimentation of a warning system of coastal flooding risk (early warning system) related to significant meteorological events for the management of the beaches of the Gulf of Cagliari.

2) O.C.E.A.N.S., Observatory of the Coast and Natural Underwater Environment (Sandro DeMuro planned and established the Observatory, funded through research projects), located at Punta Sardegna Lighthouse – Palau (O-T), belonging to the Italian Navy. Manager of the building since 2006, through the Coastal and Marine Geomorphology Group (Department of Chemical and Geological Science, University of Cagliari; Scientific coordinator since 2000; In 2012 O.C.E.A.N.S. was recognized as Trans-border Centre for the Study of Coastal Dynamics, thanks to the Project RES. MAR – Programma Operativo Italia-Francia Marittima UE.

Coordination of research groups

Coordinator of the Coastal and Marine Geomorphology Group, University of Cagliari since 2000 (


Scientific work accomplished in over 200 works, of which: published in national and international journals.

Five scientific/educational Documentaries as well as scientific reports published online for the Project LIFE NATURE Providune UE.

The above-mentioned scientific activity has been grouped into geographical study areas and main research themes in order to simplify reading.

I) Research in Mediterranean continental shelf.
Research theme which has been carried out for several years on Italian coasts and seabed, with the aim to: reconstruct the eustatic events of the Quaternary and of the Holocene which determined the morphogenesis of the continental shelf and the coastal systems; place the events regarding the rising of the sea level in chronological order, to understand the processes and the related deposits. Useful figures in the works represent the palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographical reconstruction of the coasts during the Holo-Pleistocene and show the sedimentological processes in the area of the Straits of Bonifacio, the central and southern Tyrrhenian Sea, the Corsican Sea, the Sardinian Sea, the northern Adriatic Sea and the area of the Aegadean Islands.

II) Research in the coastal areas of South America (Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego).
With similar aims to the publications in group I, the research was carried out as part of the National Programme of research in the Antarctic (P.N.R.A.). The research dealt with the study of the coasts and seabed in the Magellan Strait area, from the Atlantic to the Pacific continental shelf.
Sandro DeMuro participated in the “Magellano Terra” (Ma.Te.) campaigns in 1991, 1994 and 2002. An overall reconstruction of the Holocene dynamics and evolution of the coasts at the Atlantic mouth of the Magellan Strait was outlined from the geomorphological, stratigraphical, sedimentological survey. Some unpublished aspects, that had previously never been dealt with in the study areas, were highlighted and summarized in the reconstruction of the glacioeustatic events and the palaeogeographical reconstruction of Patagonia and the Tierra del Fuego during the late Pleistocene-Holocene.
The Atlas of The Eastern Straits of Magellan coasts is one of the most significant of these publications. Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego – Chile, a collection of eight colour maps (three scale 1: 200,000 maps and five 1: 50,000 maps)

III) research based on underwater surveys on the inner continental shelf.
This group of works provides both a methodological contribution to the geomorphological survey of the seabed (also for educational purposes) and a quantitative contribution regarding the age of the deposits and the investigated morphologies. Due to the geologist’s precision in the mapping and data acquisition on the seabed, various palaeo-shorelines (beachrock-facies) relating to the “Versilian transgression” in the Bonifacio Straits area and in the Central Tyrrhenian were sampled. Radiocarbon dating permitted the chronological ordering of the interstages found, contributing towards the construction of the Holocene sea-level curves which applies to the Central Tyrrhenian Sea. Some of the first radiocarbon dating (14C) of Beachrock and the first Holocene sea-level curve of the Mediterranean, are included in some of these publications.

IV) marine geomorphology research in areas of continental borders.
The publications report the results of the oceanographic campaigns on passive continental margins (south-west Sardinia) and active continental margins (south-west Chile). The works are based of the acquisition of seismic profiles in high penetration and in high resolution, on sedimentological samples collected using grabs, dredgers and corers.
The most prestigious publications are related to the Strait of Magellan and the South Pacific continental margin of Chile. This activity was carried out during the 10th Italian expedition in the Antarctic, 1994/5. The following objectives were achieved: detection of the morpho-structural and deformational structures of sediments in the forearc; recognition of the mobilization, transport and depositing processes of the sediments of the continental shelf and the forearc basin; direction of the expanding front on the Pacific shelf of the quaternary glaciers and the subsequent phases of deposition into the sea. Important correlations with the data acquired on land in previous campaigns also explained the opening phases of the Magellan Strait and its morphogenesis during the late Pleistocene and Holocene period.

V) research regarding geomorphology and beach morphodynamics.

The purpose of these publications concerns recent evolutionary themes of coastal zones in Sardinia. The first works highlight issues regarding evolution and dynamics of coastlines. They led to the classification of sample beaches through the analysis of the slopes in the “bars and troughs area” defining typical slopes of “erosional” or “depositional” beaches, highlighting considerable analogies with “erosional” or “depositional” beaches in the Tyrrhenian area of the Italian peninsula. Other works relate mainly to sedimentological cartographies such as sheets N. 167-180, 168, 169, 182 in 1:100,000 scale, of the Atlas of Italian beaches for the island of Sardinia. In other publications the structure and evolutionary tendencies of Sardinian beaches are determined using instrumental measurements (latest technology) and sedimentological analysis (texture, composition, facies analysis, hydrodynamics, response to climatic variations, evolutionary tendencies, criticality induced, etc.). The first high-precision systematic study of 40 sample beaches in Sardinia and detailed and periodic up-dating of the sedimentology database of the Observatory of the Coast and Natural Underwater Environment, O.C.E.A.N.S., was established as part of this work ( In addition to ISI publications, in this group, there is also the “Manual for Best Pratics for the management of Sardinian beaches”. An essential manual for the acquaintance and the conservation of a unique environmental resource in the Mediterranean, which is one of the most integral in the world, yet at risk.


Projects coordinated recently (2005-2017). Role: Scientific Director. Funding for over 3.000.000,00 euro.

– 2005–2008 – “Sistema di controllo ambientale e gestione territoriale del Golfo di Cagliari”, promoted by the Ministery of the University and Research (M.I.U.R.) – Convention Sartec-Inca “Sedimentologia del Golfo di Cagliari e studio di spiagge campione”.
Role: Scientific Director; Funding 288.000,00 €.

– 2006–2009 – Interreg III A “It, Fr, Isole” “Gestione ambientale integrata in spiagge ad alto rischio d’erosione” GERER.
Role: Scientific Director; Funding from European funds: 100.500,00 €.

– 2007–2011 – Project CARG – Geological map of Italy 1:50.000 – Survey of sea areas Sheets 566 – Pula and 528 – Oristano.
Role: Survey Director: Funding 97.000,00 € – Concluded.

– 2006–2007 – “Progetto pilota di gestione ambientale integrata” in an area which terminated at the mouth of the Rio Santa Margherita in the district of Pula. Studies in the Programme Framework Agreement “Sostenibilità Ambientale” (Environmental Sustainability) CONSERVATORIA DELLE COSTE -RAS 2005. “Studio geomarino delle dinamiche sedimentarie, assetti e tendenza evolutiva delle spiagge”.
Role: Scientific director; Amount 120.000,00 €.

2008-2014 – Convention for studies and research finalized for the protection of the coasts according to the principles of sustainable development between the Department of Earth Science – University of Cagliari through O.C.E.A.N.S. research station and the Province of Olbia-Tempio for the drafting of an Atlas of the beaches in Gallura.
Role: Scientific director; Amount 95.000 €.

– 2009-2014 – LIFE+ NATURE & BIODIVERSITY – PROVIDUNE (LIFE07NAT/IT/000519), “Conservation and restoration of dunal habitats”.
Role: National Scientific Coordinator. European funds 3,352,392 € of which 369,715 € for U.O. Prof. DeMuro duration 48 months.

– 2010–2012 – Project RIAS – Response and Adaptation of the coastal systems of Sardinia to global climatic variations. Regional law 7 August 2007, N. 7: “Promotion of scientific research and technological innovation in Sardinia”.
Role: Scientific Coordinator. European funds 117,400 € duration 24 months.

– 2011 – 2012 – Programma Operativo di Cooperazione Territoriale Transfrontaliera Italia- Francia “Marittimo” – Res.Mar. “Rete per l’ambiente nello spazio marittimo” – Sottoprogetto B) Centro Transfrontaliero studio dinamica dei litorali.
Role: Scientific director Partner Sardegna. European funds 75.000,00 €.

– 2012 – 2015 – Project B.E.A.C.H, – Beach Environment, Management and Coastal Hazard. Legge regionale 7 Agosto 2007, N. 7: “Promozione della ricerca scientifica e dell’innovazione tecnologica in Sardegna” – annualità 2009.
Role: Scientific Coordinator. European funds 209.783,00 €.

2014 – 2016 – Progetto per ricerche idrodinamiche, sedimentologiche e di monitoraggio del sistema litorale alla foce del Rio Pula (spiaggia Foxi Durci).
Funded by Consorzio di Bonifica della Sardegna Meridionale.
Role: Scientific Coordinator. Amount 100.000,00 €.

2016 – 2017 – Project “Relationship between seagrass distribution and coastal erosion at Esperance”. Curtin University of Technology di Perth (SW Australia). Role: Scientific Coordinator. Amount 20.400,00 AUD.

-2014 – 2017 N.E.P.T.U.N.E. – Natural Erosion Prevision Through Use of Numerical Environment). Legge regionale 7 Agosto 2007, N. 7: “Promozione della ricerca scientifica e dell’innovazione tecnologica in Sardegna”. Role: Scientific Coordinator. Amount 600.000,00 €.

• 2014 – 2017 – Progetto LIFE+ NATURE & BIODIVERSITY – SOSS Dunes, (LIFE13 NAT/IT/001013) – “Safeguard and management Of South-western Sardinian Dunes A project for the pilot area of Porto Pino”. Founding: European Investment Bank and European Commission under LIFE programme – European Union’s Financial Instrument for the Environment. Role: Scientific Coordinator. EU funding: 602.310,00 euro.

Research projects and international cooperation for developing countries (PVS) coordinated previously (between 1999 and 2004).

– Geological Cartography of the Coast of the Magellan Strait (Chile) and the establishment of a laboratory for Coastal Geomorphology at the Austral Antartic Centre.
Role: Scientific director
– Characterisation of the seabed and study of the regeneration in superficial sediments of marine areas. Comparison between sample areas in the Northern Adriatic (Slovenia) and Sardinia.
– Role: Scientific director

– Studies of coastal areas at high environmental risk (Morocco).
Role: Scientific director

Other Projects.

– Gruppo Nazionale Difesa Catastrofi Idrogeologiche – CNR, (GNDCI), Linea 2 (Difesa dei litorali italiani) – Unita’ Operativa 51, National Scientific director Prof. G.B. La Monica. Role: Scientific director of the local unit “Sardegna”.
– ex 60%. Pleistocenic-Holocenic paleoclimatic and paleogeographic reconstruction from marine sediments of the Sardinian-Corsica basins (Resp. Scientifico, Dott. Sandro De Muro).
– M.P.I 40% Geology of continental margins (Resp. Prof. A. Ulzega, Univ. Cagliari).
– M.P.I 40% Dynamics, instability and protection of the coasts (Resp. Prof. A. Brambati, Univ. Trieste).
– M.P.I 40% Dynamics, instability and protection of the coasts (U.O. Univ. Sassari, Resp. Prof. Sergio Ginesu).
– M.P.I 60% Biostratiigraphy, Paleobiology, Marine sediments of the Sardinia Tethys (Resp. Prof. A. Cherchi, Univ. Cagliari).
– M.P.I 60% Geology of continental margins of Sardinia (Resp. Dott. L. Lecca, Univ. Cagliari).
– M.P.I 60% Remote sensing of the coastal area at W of Capo Testa – northern Sardinia (Resp. Prof. A. Marini, Univ. Cagliari).
– Operational Strategic Unit for Project CNR “Clima, Ambiente e Territorio nel Mezzogiorno” – Cagliari –
– I.G.C.P Project 274. Coastal evolution in the Quaternary.
– I.G.C.P Project 367. Late Quaternary Coastal Records of Rapid Changes.
– I.G.C.P Project 526. Risks Resources and Record of the Past on the Continental Shelf Coastal Vulnerability related to Sea Level Change.
– M.P.I 40% “Dynamics and geo-environmental features of coastal areas” (Resp. Prof. A. Brambati)
– M.P.I 60% “Coastlines of the northern Adriatic and comparisons with other areas” (Resp. Prof. A. Brambati).
– P.N.R.A. Progetto Nazionale di Ricerca in Antartide (Glaciologia e Paleoclima. Resp. Prof. A. Brambati).
– P.N.R.A. Progetto Nazionale di Ricerca in Antartide. (Progetto di Ricerca 1b – Bacini periantartici e margini della placca Antartica. Sottoprogetto: Sismostratigrafia e sedimentologia del margine cileno meridionale. Programma: SeismoStratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Southern Ocean, Southern Chilean margin). Resp. Prof. R. Bartole.

– INTERREG II, University of Cagliari – University of Corte (Francia). Ambiente fisico (Resp. Prof. A. Ulzega). Progetto Interreg II, tema 2B/3 microfaune diagnostiche d’ambienti marini (Resp. Prof. Antonietta Cherchi).


Creator and editor of Collana Editoriale, CUEC – University Press Cagliari: Scienze Costiere e Marine. Three volumes of the Collana Editoriale were produced: the first was published in 2011 (Handbook of best practices for the study, monitoring and management of Sardinian beaches), the second was published online (Atlante delle spiagge della Gallura) and the paper version is currently being printed (2012); the third volume (Le spiagge mediterranee del Progetto Life Natura Providune – Evoluzione, idrodinamica, sedimentologia, assetti e indirizzi gestionali) is being edited and will be published and printed in 2013.

Coordination of field work, didactic/scientific, main oceanographic campaigns.

– Academic Year 1992/93. “Corso Sperimentale di Rilevamento Costiero e Sottomarino con Applicazioni Pratiche”.
– Academic Year 1993/94. “Corso Sperimentale di Rilevamento Costiero e Sottomarino con Applicazioni Pratiche”.
– Academic Year 1994/95. “Corso Sperimentale di Rilevamento Costiero e Sottomarino con Applicazioni Pratiche”.
– Academic Year 1995/96. “Corso Sperimentale di Rilevamento Costiero e Sottomarino con Applicazioni Pratiche”.
– Academic Year 1996/97: “Corso Sperimentale di Rilevamento Costiero e Sottomarino con Applicazioni Pratiche”.
– Academic Year 1997/98. “Corso Sperimentale di Rilevamento Costiero e Sottomarino con Applicazioni Pratiche”.
– Academic Year 1998/99. “Corso Sperimentale di Rilevamento Costiero e Sottomarino con Applicazioni Pratiche”.
– Academic Year 1987/88. Campagne oceanografiche “Gallura 87/1 e Gallura 87/2”.
– Academic Year 1987/88. Campagne oceanografiche “Gallura 87/1 e Gallura 87/2”.
– Academic Year 1988/89. Campagne oceanografiche “Gallura 88/1 e Gallura 88/2”.
– Academic Year 1991/92. Campagna rilevamento MATE 91” (Cile).
– Academic Year 1991/92. Campagna rilev. subacqueo “Geosub 92” (Bocche Bonifacio).
– Academic Year 1992/93. Campagna rilev. subacqueo “Geosub 93” (Bocche Bonifacio).
– Academic Year 1993/94. Campagna rilev. subacqueo “Geosub 94” (Bocche Bonifacio).
– Academic Year 1994/95. Campagna rilev. subacqueo “Geosub 95” (Bocche Bonifacio).
– Academic Year 1994/95. Campagna rilevamento MATE 94” (Cile).
– Academic Year 1995/96. Campagna rilev. subacqueo “Geosub 96” (Bocche Bonifacio).
– Academic Year 1994/95. X Spedizione Antartide PNRA. Cile. Oceano Pacifico (Cile).
– Academic Year 1996/97. Campagna rilev. subacqueo “Geosub 97” (Bocche Bonifacio).
– Academic Year 1996/97. Campagna rilevamento MAGEMAP 97” (Cile).
– Academic Year 1997/98. Campagna rilev. subacqueo “Geosub 98” (Bocche Bonifacio).
– Academic Year 1998/99. Campagna rilev. subacqueo “Geosub 99” (Bocche Bonifacio).
– Academic Year 1999/00. Campagna PALEOCLIGE (Bocche Bonifacio).
– Academic Year 1999/00. Campagna PELAGOS (Aree Marine Protette della Sardegna).
– Academic Year 2001/2002. Campagna Golfo di Cagliari 2001/02.
– Academic Year 2002/2003. Campagna Golfo di Cagliari 2002/03.
– Academic Year 2004-2005 – Bocche di Bonifacio 2005 (Bocche di Bonifacio e Arcipelago di La Maddalena).
– Academic Year 2004/2005. Campagna Golfo di Cagliari 2004/05.
– Academic Year 2005/2006. Campagna Golfo di Cagliari 2006.
– Academic Year 2006/2007. Campagna Golfo di Cagliari 2006.
– Academic Year 2006/2007. GERER 2006 (Arcipelago di La Maddalena).
– Academic Year 2006/2007. GERER 2007 (Arcipelago di La Maddalena).
– Academic Year 2007/2008. Bocche di Bonifacio 2007 (Bocche di Bonifacio e Arcipelago di La Maddalena).
– Academic Year 2007/2008. CARG Golfo di Cagliari 2007.
– Academic Year 2007/2008. CARG Oristano 2007.
– Academic Year 2008/2009. Bocche di Bonifacio 2008 (Bocche di Bonifacio e Arcipelago di La Maddalena).
– Academic Year 2008/2009. Campagna LIFE PROVIDUNE 1#.
– Academic Year 2008/2009. Campagna LIFE PROVIDUNE 2#.
– Academic Year 2008/2009. Campagna LIFE PROVIDUNE 3#.
– Academic Year 2008/2009. CARG Golfo di Cagliari 2008.
– Academic Year 2009/2010. Campagna LIFE PROVIDUNE 4#.
– Academic Year 2009/2010. Campagna LIFE+ Providune Villasimius 1#.
– Academic Year 2009/2010. Campagna primaverile “Processi sedimentari e idrodinamica, area Budoni e San Teodoro (OT)”.
– Academic Year 2010/2011. Campagna “Atlante – Rilievi a campionamenti su spiagge Campione della Provincia di Olbia/Tempio”
– Academic Year 2010/2011. Campagna Estiva “Processi sedimentari e idrodinamica, area Budoni e San Teodoro (OT)”.
– Academic Year 2010/2011. Campagna LIFE+ Providune Villasimius 2#.
– Academic Year 2010/2011. Campagna LIFE+ Providune Villasimius 3#.
– Academic Year 2010/2011. Campagna RIAS 2011.
– Academic Year 2010/2011. Terza Campagna “Processi sedimentari e idrodinamica area Budoni e San Teodoro (OT)”.
– Academic Year 2011/2012. Campagna invernale “Processi sedimentari e idrodinamica, area Budoni e San Teodoro (OT)”.
– Academic Year 2011/2012. Campagna RIAS 2012.
– Academic Year 2012/2013. Campagne BEACH.
– Academic Year 2014/2015. Campagne BEACH – SOSS DUNES.
– Academic Year 2015/2016. Campagne NEPTUNE e W AUSTRALIA.
– Academic Year 2016/2017. Campagne NEPTUNE e W AUSTRALIA.

Participation at principle scientific conventions and meetings.

1988 – 74° Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana. Sorrento, 13 September.
1988 – Congresso Internazionale “Early man in island environment”. Oliena, 2 October.
1991- Convegno “Caratteristiche geo-ambientali degli spazi costieri”. Alassio, 2 October.
1991 – Convegno “Seminario internazionale aree Sub Antartiche”. Lecce, 19 October.
1992 – Convegno “Il Telerilevamento in Geomorfologia” . Firenze, 9-12 gennaio.
1992 – Seminario dell’assemblea AIT “Dai satelliti NOA alle piattaforme polari”, applicazioni nell’ambiente costiero e marino”. Rome, 26-27 March.
1992 – Giornata di studio sul tema “ I satelliti ed i sensori per oceanografia, (il radar altimetro)”. Centro Spaziale del Fucino, 8-9 April.
1992 – Riunione dei ricercatori Alpini ed Appenninici del “Gruppo Alpi” del C.N.R. Trieste, 10-11 April.
1992 – Convegno internazionale “La Sardegna nel mondo mediterraneo. Pianificazione e ambiente”. Alghero, 13-18 April.
1992 – Riunione del Gruppo Nazionale Geografia Fisica e Geomorfologia. Monte Catini, 27-30 April.
1992 – Work shop, presso il Servizio Geologico nazionale, sulla Geological Cartography Marina. Rome, 15 May.
1992 – Convegno “Erosione delle Spiagge in Sardegna Cause e Rimedi”. Olbia, 16-17 May.
1992 – 36° Congresso, Assemblea Plenaria CIESM, Commission Internationale pour l’exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée. Trieste, 10-17 October.
1993 – Riunione del Gruppo Nazionale Geografia Fisica e Geomorfologia. Cortona, (Arezzo) 27-30 April.
1993 – “Giornate di studio sulla cartografia nella conoscenza e nella gestione del territorio” Trieste, 27-28 May.
1993 – “Third International Geomorphology Conference”. Hamilton (Canada), 23 to 28 August.
1993 – Convegno sulle linee guida per il rilevamento della Carta Geomorfologica d’Italia in Scala 1:50.000. Rome, 8 November.
1994 – III Convegno Nazionale FIPS di Speleologia Subacquea. Trieste, 20-22 April.
1994 – Seminario sulle variazioni del livello marino durante l’Olocene tenuto dal Dott. Paolo Pirazzoli. Padova, 10 March.
1994 – Convegno internazionale di Geologia Subacquea GEOSUB 1994. Palinuro, 7-10 June.
1994 – 1° European Conference on Regional Geological cartography and information systems. Bologna, 13-16, June.
1995 – Campagna di rilevamento delle coste cilene MATE 95 – PNRA and workshop. Punta Arenas. Chile.
1996 – workshop on Antarctic Campaign 1995 – SeismoStratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Southern Ocean (Southern Chilean margin). PNRA. Punta Arenas . Chile.
1995, “VII International Symposium on Antartic Earth Sciences”. Siena.
1996- “Modificazioni Climatiche ed Ambientali tra il Tardiglaciale e l’Olocene Antico in Italia. Trento.
1996 -“Il role della Geomorfologia nella Geologia del Quaternario”. Napoli.
1996 -“XXVII Congresso Geografico Italiano”. Trieste.
1996 – ” 28th International Geographical Congress” Land, Sea and Human Effort”. The Hague, the Netherlands.
1997 -“IVth International Geomorphology Conference”. Bologna.
1998 -“ Conferenza nazionale sull’Antartide”. Rome.
1998 -“Il rischio Idrogeologico e la difesa del suolo”. Accademia dei Lincei. Roma.
1998- Ricostruzioni paleoclimatiche dai sedimenti marini del Mare di Ross (Antartide) e dell’Oceano Meridionale. Trieste.
2000 – Special Event sulla Cooperazione allo sviluppo. Geneva.
2003 – GEOSED 2003 Associazione Italiana per la Geologia del Sedimentario – 28/09-2/10/2003, Alghero (IT).
2004 – IV Congrès International Environnement et Identité ed Méditerranée – 19-25/07/2004, Corte (Fr).
2004 – 32° International Geological Congress – 20-28/08/2004, Firenze (IT).
2004 – International Symposium on the Geology and Geophysics of the Southernmost Andes, the Scotia Arc and the Antarctic Peninsula – 22-23/11/2004, Buenos Aires (Argentina).
2006 – Conferenza di Avvio Progetto Interreg IIIA GERER “Gestione sostenibile dei sistemi di spiaggia” – 30/06/2006, Palau, OT (IT).
2006 – Simposio “Il Monitoraggio Costiero Mediterraneo” Problematiche e tecniche di misura – 4-6/10/2006, Sassari (IT).
2007 – Conferenza Intermedia Progetto Interreg IIIA GERER “Decalogo per la gestione sostenibile delle spiagge” – 21/04/2007, Palau, OT (IT).
2007 – Conferenza Nazionale Cambiamenti Climatici – 28/06/2007, Palermo (IT).
2008 – Conferenza Finale Progetto Interreg IIIA GERER “Dati scientifici e buone pratiche per la gestione sostenibile delle spiagge” – 24/5/2008, Palau, OT (IT).
2008 – Tethys to Mediterranean: a journey of geological discovery – Meeting in memory of A. Di Grande and M. Grasso – 3-5/06/2008, Catania (IT).
2008 – Green Week 2008 – 3-6/06/2008, Brussels (Belgium)
2008 – 33rd International Geological Congress – 6-14/08/2008, Oslo (Norvegia)
2008 – 84° Congresso Nazionale della Società Geologica Italiana – 15-17/09/2008, Sassari (IT).
2008 – Conferenza PIC Interreg IIIA Italia-Francia “Isole” 2000-2006: Esperienze a confronto: progetti che parlano – 15/12/2008, Sassari (IT).
2009 – 27th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology – 20-23/09/2009, Alghero, SS (IT).
2010 – 85° Congresso Nazionale della Società Geologica Italiana – 6-8/09/2010, Pisa (IT).
2010 – GEOSED 2010 Associazione Italiana per la Geologia del Sedimentario – 19-25/09/2010, Turin (IT).
2011 – GEOSED 2011 Associazione Italiana per la Geologia del Sedimentario – 27-28/09/2011, Caserta (IT).
– 2011 – IASWS 12th International Symposium on the Interactions between Sediment and Water – 19-23/06/2011, Dartington (UK).
– 2011 – 28th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology – 5-8/07/2011, Zaragoza (Spain).
– 2012 – GEOSED 2012 Associazione Italiana per la Geologia del Sedimentario – 2-6/07/2012, Feltre, BL (IT).
– 2012 – 34th International Geological Congress – 5-10/08/2012, Brisbane (Australia).
– 2012 – 29th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology – 10-13/09/2012, Schladming (Austria).
– 2013 – EGU, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly. Vienna (Austria).
– 2014 – Convegno internazionale “Journée EUCC-France et Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC)” Merlimont, 17-19 giugno 2014.
– 2014 – Workshop “Sistemi dunali costieri e impatto antropico – Aspetti di tutela e gestione di ambiente delicato tra esperienze e proposte per un progetto partecipato” – Sabaudia, LT – 9-10/05/2014. Parco Nazionale del Circeo e Gruppo Nazionale per la Ricerca sull’Ambiente Costiero.
– 2014 – ICS International Coastal Symposium, Durban (Sud Africa).
– 2015 – EGU, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly. Vienna (Austria).
– 2016 – EGU, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly. Vienna (Austria).
– 2016 – ICS International Coastal Symposium, Sydney (Australia).
– 2016 – 35° International Geological Congress, Cape Town (Sud Africa).
– 2017 – EGU, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly. Vienna (Austria).