Punta Molentis Beach

In the south-eastern coast of Sardinia, one stupendous beach, used for some advertising campaigns, stands out for its unmistakable fascination, clear water and white sand on one side, and a granite quarry on the other

The azure and turquoise of the sea, the gleaming white of the beach, dotted with pink along the shoreline, and the green of the Mediterranean brush. These are the picture-postcard colours of Punta Molentis, one of the pearls of Villasimius (and the whole of southern Sardinia), to be found along the panoramic provincial road to Castiadas and Costa Rei. The crystal clear waters lap the fine, white sand, whose reflections light up the coastline. The promontory and beach are part of the Capo Carbonara marine area and are named for sumolenti, the donkey, used in the past to transport the material extracted from the surrounding granite quarries. The granite rocks stand out like shipwrecks where the shore is tinged with pink at sunset.

Divided into several coves, Punta Molentis is overlooked by Mediterranean bushes and cactus with multi-coloured flowers, lending the panorama an unusual appearance and scenting the air. The triumph of nature is completed with rabbits and aquatic birds. The beach is curved, closed at the northern end by a small promontory and to the east by a mass of quarried rocks. The tones of the sea vary from emerald green to turquoise and azure. The waters are shallow, and the seabed sandy. The beach’s shape, like an isthmus, makes it fairly sheltered from the wind. There is a bar and beach equipment or boats for hire.On a hill behind the beach you’ll find the remains of a nuraghe, named Punta Molentis.

All the beaches of Villasimius offer splendid scenery seen in films and adverts, from the west of Capo Carbonara (Porto saRuxi, Campus, Campolongu, Spiaggia del Riso, Cala Caterina) to the east (Stagno di Notteri and Porto Giunco, Simius and Traias), as far as Rio Trottu, with views onto Cavoli Island, and Manunzas, ideal if you’re looking for peace and quiet, with beaches spreading out from the main beach at Punta Molentis.