Mag 122010

The International Summer Workshop on Scenario Analysis in Urban and Regional Planning is jointly organised by the University of Cagliari (UniCa) and the HafenCity University of Hamburg.

The workshop will be held in Cagliari (and Baunei)  from June 25 to July 3, 2010

The workshop program includes a core multi-session training exercise on Scenario Analysis in Urban and Regional Planning for the students of the partner Universities, thematic seminars on spatial planning, and complementary scientific and socio-cultural activities fostering the exchange among participants.

The International Workshop official language is English.

Interested students can apply according to the following guidelines:

WS Scenario Analysis 2010 CFA

First call: Deadline for applications 18 May 2010, h: 12.00

AAA: Few seats are still available for participation: hurry up! First come,  first served!

For any inquity contact

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