Deadlines and Registration


Abstracts: February 28, 2019. Please use this LaTeX template (Template-Surname) and return the filled template .tex to

  • If you partecipate in SS1 (Local and Non-Local Elliptic Equations and Applications), Antonio Iannizzotto.  E-mail:;
  • If you partecipate in SS2 (Aggregation-Diffusion PDEs and Applications), Giuseppe Viglialoro. E-mail:;
  • If you partecipate in SS3 (Nonlinear Evolution Equations: Analytical and Geometrical Methods and New Perspectives), Francesco Demontis. E-mail:

Poster Session: The Poster Session will provide an opportunity for participants to stimulate discussions. To present a poster (a standard A1 poster will be suitable), you will need to register, and submit an abstract to one of the above contacts.

No  fee is required but the registration is mandatory. Please fill this registration form

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