The aim of the Conference Partial Differential Equations in Analysis and Mathematical Physics (PDEAMP) is to gather international researchers, from the areas of Mathematical Physics and Analysis, specialists in related subjects, and let them share their results and discuss further developments and open problems.
The PDEAMP consists of 6 plenary lectures and 3 special sessions (SS).
- SS1: Local and Non-Local Elliptic Equations and Applications. Organizers
- Prof. Filomena Pacella (Università la Sapienza di Roma, Italy)
- Prof. Enrico Valdinoci (University of Western Australia, Australia)
- SS2: Aggregation-Diffusion PDEs and Applications. Organizers
- Prof. José Antonio Carrillo de la Plata (Imperial College of London, UK)
- Prof. Vincenzo Vespri (Università di Firenze, Italy)
- SS3: Nonlinear Evolution Equations: Analytical and Geometrical Methods and New Perspectives. Organizers
- Prof. Gregorio Falqui (Università di Milano Bicocca, Italy)
- Prof. Sara Lombardo (Loughborough University, UK)
The Organizing Committee: Claudia Anedda, Lucio Cadeddu, Fabrizio Cuccu, Francesco Demontis, Antonio Greco, Antonio Iannizzotto, Monica Marras, Cornelis Van der Mee, Giuseppe Viglialoro