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Luigi Serreli


    Address: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (DIEE), University of Cagliari, piazza d’Armi, 09123 Cagliari, Italy

    Email: luigi[DOT]serreli[AT]unica[DOT]it

    Tel: +39-070-6755906

    Biographical Sketch

    Luigi Serreli is a PhD student in Electronic and Computer engineering at the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (DIEE/UdR CNIT) at the University of Cagliari. He holds a B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and an M.Sc. in Internet Engineering at the University of Cagliari, discussing the thesis “A generative Adversarial Network (GAN) Fingerprint approach over LTE” with full marks. Currently, his research topics involve natural language processing and fake news detection under the guidance of Prof. Michele Nitti. His research interests include Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, and Internet of Things.


    For my list of publications, please visit my Google scholar profile.

    Research Interests

    My research interests fall into the following areas: