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The Networks for Humans laboratory (Net4U) – formerly the Multimedia & Communications Laboratory, MCLab – is located at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (DIEE) of the University of Cagliari and is affiliated with the CNIT, the Italian University Consortium for Telecommunications. The Research Group of Net4U is made of around 20 people, including faculty members, research fellows and Ph.D. students. Net4U conducts basic and applied research towards the development of future networks and relevant applications, whose design should be centered around the humans’ needs and quality of life. This includes the following themes: xG Mobile Networks, Quality of Experience, Edge Intelligence, Network Security and Blockchain, Internet of Things, Smart Building, Smart Mobility, Data Protection, and Immersive Multimedia and Metaverse. These activities are mainly funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, the Sardinian Regional Government, the Italian Research Council, the EC and by private companies. The Lab contact email is: net4u[AT]unica[DOT]it

Bando per un/a Ricercatore/ricercatrice a tempo determinato (tipologia A)
È stata pubblicata la selezione per un ricercatore/ricercatrice a tempo determinato di …
Recent publication of our colleagues from Net4U
 We are pleased to announce the recent publication of our colleagues from …
Digital Twins and 6G Applications Workshop a Madrid
L'8 Luglio abbiamo organizzato un workshop insieme ai colleghi dell'Università degli Studi …
Cagliari Digital Lab, dedicata al 5G e tecnologie digitali
Venerdì 30 Giugno 2023 11:00 – 13:00 Aula 2, Padiglione N Facoltà …