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Digital Twin modelling and 6G Applications Workshop in Madrid

    On July 8th, we have organised a workshop together with colleagues from the ‘Mediterranea’ University of Reggio Calabria and The Manchester Metropolitan University, within the IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom), which was held from 8th to 11th of July in Madrid.

    The workshop – “Digital twin modelling, orchestration and development in the 6G era” – is part of the dissemination activities of the PRIN TOGETHER (models and algoriThms fOr 6G Era digital Twin orchestrator) project.

    Click below for additional informations:

    L’8 Luglio abbiamo organizzato un workshop insieme ai colleghi dell’Università degli Studi ‘Mediterranea’ di Reggio Calabria e del The Manchester Metropolitan University, all’interno della conferenza IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom), che si è tenuta dall’8 all’11 Luglio a Madrid.

    Il workshop – Digital twin modelling, orchestration and development in the 6g era – rientra nelle attività di disseminazione del progetto PRIN TOGETHER (models and algoriThms fOr 6G Era digital Twin orchestrator).

    Link al workshop: