PhD Requirements
- The PhD in Innovation Sciences and Technologies is regulated according to this document.
- Our students are supposed, apart from the other requirements established by the current rules issued by the University of Cagliari, to have published or accepted for publication at least two papers in reputable scientific journals by the time of the presentation of their third year activity.
- PhD students enrolled in XXXIV, XXXV, XXXVI and XXXVII cycles are required to achieve a B2 English Level before their admission to PhD thesis defence. C1 English level is requested for those ones enrolled in XXXVIII and subsequent cycles.
- All PhD students (with or without grant) enrolled in XXXVIII cycle are requested to spend at least 6 months abroad at foreign institutions for research purposes in the framework of their thesis’ activities. This requirement also applies to PhD students with grant of previous cycles.
- The University of Cagliari should be always indicated as affiliation of PhD students involved in papers published in the framework of their PhD.
- To be reported in the Acknowledgements of papers published in the framework of the PhD: X.Y. (PhD student initials) performed his/her activity in the framework of the PhD in Innovation Sciences and Technologies at the University of Cagliari, Italy.
- Training/Course Attendance for overall 60 hrs
- Presentation at 1 conference/workshop