Brief History

The International PhD in Innovation Sciences and Technologies (IST) has started its activity during the academic year 2013/14, by taking advantage of the positive experience of the International PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering (2001/02 – Cycle XVII to 2012/13 – Cycle XXVIII) as well as the PhD in Biomedical Engineering (2010/11 – Cycle XXVI to 2012/13 – Cycle XXVIII), which are no longer active except for the cycles to be completed.
Consequently, the program of the International PhD in IST takes into account most of the topics related to the latter ones, while introducing new lines of investigation.
In particular three curricula are accounted for:
1) Regenerative medicine, biomedical applications and management of complex healthcare systems
2) Methods and systems for the environmental protection
3) Methodologies and processes for the transformation and use of materials.
To obtain more information, although in Italian, please visit this URL
credits Università degli Studi di Cagliari
C.F.: 80019600925 - P.I.: 00443370929
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