Research Projects

MYRTUS – Multi-layer 360 dYnamic orchestration and interopeRable design environmenT for compute-continUum Systems



The MYRTUS project aims at unlocking the new living dimension of CPS, embracing the principles of the EU CloudEdgeIOT Initiative, integrating edge, fog and cloud computing platforms. This integration requires the reinvention of programming languages and tools to orchestrate collaborative distributed and decentralised components. Additionally, components must be augmented with interface contracts covering both functional and non-functional properties. MYRTUS solutions play a crucial role in enabling sustainable computing and trustworthiness in CPS.

Scope: Horizon Europe

Role: Scientific Coordination

Responsible: Francesca Palumbo,

TURNTABLE – Platform supporting vitality and abilities of elderly


Twitter account: @turntable_aal

The project aims to develop a platform to support healthy living (activity and diet) and social inclusion among older adults, prolonging autonomy, independence and quality-of-life.

Scope: Project co-funded by the AAL Joint Program (Ref. AAL-2018-5-163-CP) and the National Authorities and R&D programs in Italy, Belgium, Portugal and Hungary.

Role: Project partner

Task: Planning, organization and implementation of co-creation sessions and execution of a field trial in Cagliari (Italy), analysis of the results.

Responsible: Luigi Raffo, EOLAB – Università di Cagliari,

CONVERGENCE: Frictionless Energy Efficient Convergent Wearables for Healthcare and Lifestyle Applications


The CONVERGENCE project aims to develop energy efficient sensor networks for future use on wearable devices.

The latter exploit the convergence of multiparametric biosensors and environmental sensors on an autonomous technological platform, able to respond to the need for autonomy in almost continuous data collection. This platform will allow you to benefit from new strategies in the field of prevention and health care. 

Role: partner

Scope: Convergence is funded by the ERA-NET – a H2020 instrument, designed to support public-public partnerships in their preparation, establishment of networking structures, design, implementation and coordination of joint activities as well as topping up of single joint calls and of actions of a transnational nature.

Period of reference: 2018 – 2021

Scientific supervisor: Danilo Pani, PhD, University of Cagliari,

ACUADORI: ICT platform for sustainable water management for quality wine production


The ACUADORI project aims to develop an innovative strategy to improve the management of water resources in Sardinia’s wine production. The project is considered in an area where wine production is the first item of turnover, with a significant increase in production quality in recent years, in parallel with the attention to environmental sustainability.

Role: Scientific Coordinator

Scope: POR FESR Sardinia 2014-2020 – Axis I – Scientific Research, Technological Development and Innovation
Action 1.2.2 – Support for the implementation of complex research and development projects on important thematic areas and the application of technological solutions functional to the implementation of S3 strategies

Period of reference: 2018 – 2021

Scientific supervisor: prof. Massimo Barbaro, associate professor, University of Cagliari,

FitOptivis – From the cloud to the edge – smart IntegraTion and OPtimization Technologies for highly efficient Image and VIdeo processing Systems


The central theme and goal of the FitOptiVis project is searching for new methods and strategies for the analysis of images and video in Cyber ​​Physical systems, which make up one of the KETs (Key Enabling Technology) of innovation.

Into FitOptivis, EOLAB has developed a reference architecture, placing the validation of the project on a water supply system in which there are: an aquifer (in which the source is accessible through an inspection well), an aqueduct (mostly underground and with some inspection wells) and a distribution tank.

Role: partner

Scope: European project

Period of reference: june 2018 – june 2021

Scientific supervisor: prof. Luigi Raffo, professor, University of Cagliari,

API: Intelligent Remote Piloting Aircraft for environmental monitoring


The API project is based on an innovative platform that employs remotely piloted aircraft (drones) in order to monitor areas at risk such as assemblies and critical areas such as aqueducts, power plants and nuclear power plants. API takes a step forward compared to the state of the art as it introduces a monitoring system that uses a fleet of mini-UAVs controlled through artificial intelligence algorithms.

The fundamental objective is the autonomous processing of relevant information on environmental safety, with an artificial intelligence system and hardware with low energy consumption.

Role: partner

Scope: cluster project POR FESR Sardinia 2014-2020 – Axis I – Scientific Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Scientific responsible: Pietro Andronico, Managing Director of Nurjana Technologies,

GA-VINO: methods and technologies for innovative and sustainable management of water resources


The GA-VINO cluster project is located in the ICT and agro-industry sectors in Sardinia and is a technological platform based on a network of sensors able to monitor parameters such as the amount of water actually lost in the vineyard due to evaporation and transpiration.

The main objective is to improve environmental sustainability and reduce production costs, improving the quality of wines through analysis tools and monitoring of water resources, and consequently also reducing the hours of manual work necessary to control the water status.

Scope: cluster project

Role: Partner

Scientific responsible: Costantino Sirca (

DoMoMEA – Tele-rehabilitation Domiciliary neuroMotor in favor of subjects with cerebral stroke with disability Moderate through Advanced Electronic devices


DoMoMEA, at the international level, is the first technological system of home telerehabilitation in favor of patients affected by stroke, who have completed the period of hospitalization. From the research project comes the possibility for the health system to reduce the difficulties due to the achievement of hospital facilities, especially in logistically disadvantaged areas.

Role: DoMoMEA is a Top-Down Cluster project funded by Sardegna Ricerche with POR FESR funds 2014/2020 – PRIORITY AXIS I “SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION”.

Scientific Responsible: Danilo Pani, Ph.D. – Researcher in Electronic and Informatic Bioengineering,

ALOHA – Software framework for runtime – Adaptive and secure deep Learning On Heterogeneous Architectures

European Project (Horizon 2020)


ALOHA is the English acronym for Software framework for runtime – Adaptive and secure deep Learning On Heterogeneous Architectures. The research project’s main goal is to simplify the implementation of Deep Learning algorithms (artificial intelligence) on different low-energy computing platforms.

The main practical implications of ALOHA concern video surveillance, smart industry and bioimaging.

Role: project coordinator

Task: coordination and implementation of hardware accelerators for in-depth learning

Scientific Coordinator: Paolo Meloni, EOLAB – University of Cagliari,

CERBERO – Cross-layer modEl-based fRamework for multi-oBjective dEsign of Reconfigurable systems in uncertain hybrid environments

European Project (Horizon 2020)


The CERBERO project has a range of activities that extends in various sectors regarding the creation of hardware and software modules for smart objects, particularly in assisted driving, ocean monitoring and spatial exploration.

Role: project partner

Activity: provide hardware reconfiguration and rapid prototyping

Scientific coordinator:  Francesca Palumbo, PhD, IDEA Lab – University of Sassari,

INSIEME – Intelligent Systems for Integrated Health Management







The project is aimed at creating an integrated network of embedded devices, communicating independently, according to the IoT paradigm, to be used for monitoring and traceability of medical processes in hospitals or healthcare in general.


NEBIAS – NEurocontrolled BIdirectional Artificial upper limb and hand prosthesiS


European Project


The four-year project NEBIAS was launched in 2013 and made it possible to test a new prosthesis of the upper limb. Our laboratory has participated in the project with the realization of the circuitry to build an interface capable of making the neuro-controlled prosthesis perceived by the amputee as the natural one.


Biomechatronic hand prostheses endowed with bio-inspired tactile perception, bi-directional neural interfaces and distributed sensori-motor control


The aim of the HandBot project is to restore the bi-directional control of a hand prosthesis through the use of invasive neural interfaces that have the dual task of: transmitting the neural signal from the amputee to a recording system that will convert it into motor control for the prosthesis; stimulate the Peripheral Nervous System (SNP) with electrical impulses proportional to the tactile information acquired by the sensor system integrated in the prosthetic hand.

NInFEA – Design and development of advanced algorithms for real-time extraction of fetal electrocardiogram from non-invasive biopotential measures

The general objective of the NINFEA project is part of biomedical engineering, and aims at identifying an engineering solution (in this case an electronic and information solution) to a problem of biomedical interest (in this case prenatal cardiological diagnosis ).



HEREiAM – An interoperable platform for self care, social networking and managing of daily activities at home


HEREiAM is a new hardware/software ICT structure that combines the ease of use of TV with the potential of broadband internet services, it allows you to monitor vital parameters, communicate with loved ones and with doctors and keep track of the agenda for taking drugs.


RE.MO.TO – Movement Recovery and Telemonitoring for rheumatology patients with hand disabilities

The RE.MO.TO project implements an e-health solution for remote telemonitoring of rehabilitation therapy in the course of rheumatoid arthritis and systemic sclerosis.

The platform is based on sensor-assisted devices integrated into the battery-powered tele-home-care device, specifically designed for the project and through which the home patient can carry out the preconfigured exercises.

 AMBROSIA: Platform for the electronic bio-detection of telomerase expression


The AMBROSIA project has developed a technological platform based on a new class of miniaturized electronic biosensors able to measure the activity of telomerase. The latter is a key enzyme involved in preserving the pluripotentiality of stem cell diversification. Cell aging processes cause a considerable decrease in the stem cell differentiation capacity into different cell types.
The final result of the project showed how it is possible to measure, by means of a device made of organic technology, the presence of a sequence of telomeric DNA of different length.

ELoRA – Low-power Real-time processing of neural signals for prosthetic aids

The EloRA project presents as an innovative focus the real-time decoding of neural signals detected by the peripheral nervous system and sent in input to an active robotic prosthesis. The main application explored during the project is related to upper limb neuroprosthetics (in particular hand prostheses), in which the signal is extracted directly from the residual nerves of the amputee, through TIME (Transverse Intrafascicular Multichannel Electrode) electrodes.

FetalHeart – Algorithms for non-invasive extraction of the fetal electrocardiogram

The fundamental goal of FetalHeart is the development of algorithms for the non-invasive extraction of the fetal electrocardiogram.

A starting point is a scenario in which there are invasive solutions – applicable only during labor – and non-invasive solutions, which do not allow to analyze the morphology of the signal as they are based on ultrasound technology.

MADNESS – Methods for predictAble Design of heterogeNeous Embedded System with adaptivity and reliability Support

Scope: European Project (FP7)
Abstract: The main goal of the project is to define innovative methodologies for system-level design, able to guide designers and researchers to the optimal composition of embedded MPSoC architecture, according to the requirements and the features of a given target application field. The proposed approach  tackle the new challenges, related to both architecture and design methodologies, arising with the technology scaling, the system reliability and the ever-growing computational needs of modern applications.

Role: Project coordinator
Task: Development of the FPGAbased platform for rapid emulation.

RPCT – Reconfigurable Platform Composer Tool


RPCT, the Reconfigurable Platform Composer Tool, is an automatic framework, based on the RVC, for the design and optimization of heterogeneous, reconfigurable and low-power HW platforms. The last feature is very important for the mobile platforms sector, more and more oriented towards entertainment rather than simple communication, presenting scenarios not covered by the original idea of the RVC.