- Organic Field Effect Transistors (OFETs)
- Organic Charge Modulated Field Effect Transistors (OCMFETs)
- Organic Electrochemical Transistors (OECTs)
- Conductive Textiles
- Biochemical Sensors
- Physical Sensors
- Cellular Interfaces
- Smart Textiles
- Tattoo Electronics
- Organic Memories
The Lab
The Advanced Electronic Device Lab is set at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Building M). The lab instrumentation allows the complete fabrication and characterization of organic electronic devices and organic device-based sensors.
Electrical Test Equipment:
- 1 HP 54542A 2GSa/S Digital Oscilloscope
- 1 Agilent B1500A Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer
- 1 HP 4182 Impedence Analyzer
- 1 Microcontact set for microscopic electrical connections
- 2 Keithley 2636 SYSTEM SourceMeter
- 1 Keithley 2612 SYSTEM SourceMeter
Structural and Materials Analysis Equipment:
- 1 Optical Stereo Microscope
- 1 Optical Microscope (Olympic)
- 1 Contact Profilometer (Bruker DektakXT)
- 1 Scanning Electron Microscope (Phillips – available at the Interdipartimental Lab LIMINA)
- 1 Scanning Force Microscope (Park Scientific Instrument – Available at the Interdipartimental Lab LIMINA)
- 1 Atomic Force Microscope (SPM RESOLVER PRO NT-MDT – Available at the Interdipartimental Lab LIMINA)
- 1 Fungilab Alpha L Viscosimeter.
Device Preparation Facilities:
- 1 Thermal Evaporation Unit
- 1 Bromography Units
- 1 Chemical Fume Hood Unit
- 2 Fume Cupboards
- 1 PDS 2010 LABCOATER 2 Parylene Deposition System
- 1 DMP-2831 Dimatix materials Printer
- 2 Spin-Coater Unit
- 2 Ovens
- 1 Plasma cleaner (Gambetti TucanoTM)
- 1 3D Printer (Makerbot Replicator 2x)