Doctoral Consortium

The goal of the Doctoral Consortium is to provide a setting in which PhD students can present and receive feedback on their work. Students at different stages of their research will be able to articulate and discuss their problem statement, goals, methods, and results. The Doctoral Consortium also aims to provide students with useful guidance on various aspects of their research from established researchers and the other student attendees. Finally, the Doctoral Consortium seeks to motivate students in the development of their scientific curiosity and facilitate their networking within the research community.

The topics of the Doctoral Consortium are the same as CHItaly’s. The main scope of the consortium is to enable PhD students to interact with their peers, as well as with more senior researchers, on a wide range of Human-Computer Interaction related topics.

The consortium is open to PhD students worldwide at any stage in their research. Students at an initial stage should be able to challenge their ideas and current research directions. Students at a more mature stage should be able to present their thesis and get advice on ways to further improve and better communicate their contributions and findings. Participation is particularly encouraged from PhD students who are close to proposing a thesis.

Best paper

The best Doctoral Consortium paper will be awarded a one-year Interaction Design Foundation professional membership, valued 156 USD!

Important dates

  • July 16 (extended): submission deadline
  • August 1: review notification
  • August 11: early registration closes
  • September 18: Doctoral Consortium
  • September 19-20: Main conference

Paper format, submission and proceedings

Submissions must be single-author, but the name of the supervisor should also be mentioned within the paper. The language of the consortium is English. All submitted materials must be in English. A PDF version of the paper must be submitted through easychair.

The paper must:

  • clearly formulate the research question,
  • identify a significant problem in the field of research,
  • outline the current status of the problem domain and related solutions
  • present clearly any preliminary ideas, the proposed approach and the results achieved so far
  • describe the research methodology that is applied or planned
  • outline the contributions of the applicant’s work to the problem domain, and highlight their uniqueness,
  • be within 12 pages in the Springer LNCS format (

Each submitted paper will be reviewed by the members of the Doctoral Consortium Program Committee.

All accepted contributions will be published in a CEUR-WS volume (with ISSN).

Further information

If you have any question, please send a mail to the DC chairs:

  • Cristina Gena cgena [at]
  • Andrea Giachetti andrea.giachetti [at]