Cagliari, September 1st-3rd


June 20, 2022 

Initial contribution

July 28, 2022

Deadline for submissions

August 8, 2022

Early registration deadline

The following registration fees include 22% of VAT.
Registration type Early registration
(within August 8th)
(within August 29th)
Late Registration
 Full (Professor/Resercher/PostDoc) € 320 € 360 € 400
 Student € 220 € 260 € 300

The above fees are inclusive of coffee breaks, lunch breaks (Sept 1st e 2nd), the social dinner (Sept. 2nd), and the bus transportation from/to the dinner venue.

Some additional services could also be added to your registration with an extra-cost. Specifically, it is allowed to invite one or more accompanying people, and/or to reserve additional banquet tickets. The description and cost of these additional services are detailed below:

Extra services Early registration
(within August 8th)
(within August 29th)
Late Registration
(September 1st-3rd)
    Accompanying person ** € 150 € 150 (not allowed)
   Extra Banquet Ticket *** € 100 € 100 (not allowed)
** Inclusive of coffee breaks, lunch breaks, social dinner and transportation from/to the dinner venue.
*** Inclusive of banquet and transport from/to the dinner venue.



All registrations will be on-line and handled by the AEIT (Associazione Italiana di Elettrotecnica, Elettronica, Automazione, Informatica e Telecomunicazioni).

On-site registrations with cash payment will not be allowed. Three options for the payment are available:

  1. via Credit Card (Visa, Amex, MasterCard)
  2. via Bank Transfer (within August 1st, 2022)
  3. via Bank Transfer within 30 days since the reception of a Debit Note/Invoice

To submit your registration, an AEIT account, either member or guest, is necessary. If you don’t have one please click the next button to create a guest account:

Once the account is created, you will receive an email from “” with a confirmation code (necessary to activate your account), your user-name (corresponding to your email) and password. If you still have an account click instead the next button to login and then start the AUTOMATICA.IT 2022 registration:

After that, you will be forwarded to the next form where, depending on the type of your registration (either Full or Student), and on whom you want to address your registration invoice, different options will be available.

The major distiction is between the next cases:

  1. Registration invoice addressed to the participant
  2. Registration invoice addressed to the participant’s organization

Once the registration is submitted you will then receive a confirmation email from “”. If you have selected as payment method the Bank Transfer you will also find the IBAN for the payment.


Partecipate as private individual” (privato) has to be selected. Then, select your registration type (either Full or Student) and click to “confirm” (conferma) to be forwarded to the final form. There, you will enabled to add extra services, like adding accompanying people or buy extra banquet tickets. Finally, data necessary for the issuance of the electronic invoice will be further requested. If you have an AEIT membership the VAT will automatically not applied to your registration.


Partecipate as “public administration employee” (dipendente pubblica amministrazione) has to be selected.

The main advantage of this invoicing type is when you are not an AEIT member but your organization is an AEIT associate. If so the VAT will automatically not applied to your registration. Please check if you belongs to one of the following organizations.

In this case, after having typed your Employer’s tax code (Codice fiscale) the system will automatically recognize you as an AEIT member, then click to “confirm” (conferma) to be forwarded to the final form. There, you will enabled to add extra services. Finally, data necessary for the issuance of the electronic invoice, such as the TAX Code (Codice fiscale), the certified email (PEC) and the CUU (Codice Unico d’Ufficio) of your organization (University Department/Research Institute/etc.), will be requested.

As the invoice will be addressed to your organization it is advisable select as payment method: “Bank Transfer within 30 days since the reception of a Debit Note/Invoice”. In this case, after completing your registration, AEIT will send a Debit Note/Invoice with the payment details to your administrative office via PEC. Then, your administrative office could proceed with the bank transfer.


During the registration your mobile number will also be requested in accordance with the COVID-19 policies for the organization of public events, see for details the DL 52/2021.