Cagliari, September 1st-3rd


June 20, 2022 

Initial contribution

July 28, 2022

Deadline for submissions

August 8, 2022

Early registration deadline

[Click to download the Proceedings of AUTOMATICA.IT 2022]
Welcome to AUTOMATICA.IT 2022

After two years of remote meetings, the AUTOMATICA.IT workshop will be held exclusively in presence, and it will be hosted by the Automatic Control Group of the University of Cagliari.

The AUTOMATICA.IT workshop aims to gather Professors and Researchers from Italian Universities and Research Institutions to share and discuss their latest results in all areas of Control Theory and its applications.

The AUTOMATICA.IT 2022 program will be scheduled across three days and will include both oral and interactive/poster presentations with contributions selected by the Program Committee.

Within the scientific sessions, either specific research results (possibly already published) or synthetic summaries of ongoing research activities and projects will be presented. Research groups are invited to encourage and support the active participation of young researchers, post-docs, and Ph.D. students.

The first two days of the workshop will be devoted to the scientific oral and poster/interactive sessions and to a panel discussion on a topic of interest to the community, whereas the morning of the third and last day will be devoted to the award ceremony and the annual meeting of SIDRA (Società Italiana Docenti e Ricercatori di Automatica).

SIDRA will also assign awards to the two best contributions presented at the workshop, according to the evaluation of an Award Committee. Contributions will be evaluated based on their theoretical and application value, as well as the quality of the presentation. Each award will consist of 1.000€ to be shared by the authors of each selected contribution.

The workshop will be held in Cagliari on September 1-3, 2022.