AIT2021 Themes

The theme of the Conference is “Planet Health”, with a specific focus on Geohazards and Climate Change, recognizing the important role of Remote Sensing technologies and environmental data in science and our society.

The following topics are proposed:

Remote sensing applications – Data analysis Methods:

  • Flooding and Landslides Hazard
  • Volcanic and Seismic Hazard
  • Inland Waters and Wetlands
  • Forest fires and Degradation
  • Land Applications
  • Oceans and Coastal Zones
  • Cryosphere
  • Planetary Geology

Inter-disciplinary Themes:

  • Climate Changes and Fragile Ecosystems
  • Seawater and Plastics
  • Citizen Science
  • Urban Growth and Heat Islands

New Missions and Sensors

  • Satellite Missions
  • SAR instrument and Calibration
  • Passive Optical, Hyperspectral Sensors, and Calibration
  • Lidar Sensors
  • UAV and Airborne Platforms

New proposals from the Space Agencies

The preliminary Program is available at the page Sessions