Third IAGC International Conference

Water Rock Interaction-18 & Applied Isotope Geochemistry-15

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Cagliari (Italy), 16-21 June 2025

Why participate in the IAGC 3 in Sardinia?

Sardinia can offer several compelling reasons for individuals interested in the field of water-rock interactions and applied isotope geochemistry

Cutting-Edge Research

The congress provides a platform to present and discuss the latest advancements, findings, and innovations in the field of water-rock interactions and applied isotopes geochemistry. This is an excellent opportunity for researchers, academics, and professionals to stay updated on the current state of research and technology.

Networking Opportunities

The congress gathers experts, researchers, and professionals from around the world, offering unparalleled networking opportunities. Participants can engage in discussions, exchange ideas, and establish valuable connections with peers, collaborators, and potential partners.

International Collaboration

The congress fosters international collaboration by bringing together researchers and professionals from diverse backgrounds and geographical locations. Collaborative projects and partnerships often emerge from such interactions, leading to interdisciplinary research and addressing complex challenges in water-rock interactions and applied isotopes geochemistry.

Professional Development

Attending presentations, workshops, and discussions at the congress can enhance participants’ knowledge and skills in various aspects of water-rock interactions and applied isotopes geochemistry, including, hydrogeology, geology and environmental science.

Publication Opportunities

Presenting research findings or contributing to discussions at the congress may lead to opportunities for publication in conference proceedings or reputable scientific journals. This helps participants disseminate their work and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field.

Exploring Regional Context

Cagliari and Sardinia offer a unique setting for discussing water-rock interactions, as the region is known for its geological diversity, hydrological systems, and environmental challenges. Participants can gain insights into local issues and solutions while exploring the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the area.

A variety of natural resources

By participating in the conference in Sardinia, attendees can engage in scientific discussions while also immersing themselves in enriching experiences that highlight the island’s natural and cultural uniqueness.

Natural landscape

  • Sardinia offers a diverse range of landscapes, including pristine beaches, rugged mountains, and picturesque countryside.

Cultural heritage

  • Sardinia boasts a rich cultural heritage with ancient ruins, historic villages, and traditional festivals that showcase its unique history and traditions.

“Sardinia has a complex geological history, in which exemplary processes have alternated over more than 500 million years, from the Palaeozoic to the Quaternary, strongly characterizing the island and making it interesting from both a scientific and a didactic-cultural point of view.”

“In this region, many areas are unaffected by diffuse
anthropogenic pollution that allow to evaluate the present status of groundwater quality, possibly close to nearly pristine conditions.
However, Sardinia hosts widespread mineralization, both mined and not exploited, which makes challenge the baseline evaluation of trace elements.