Joint Research Project/Programme Title: “Enhancing Teacher Professional Knowledge and Teaching Effectiveness through Video Technologies”
LOCAL ADVISOR: Giovanni Bonaiuti (Dipartimento Pedagogia, psicologia, filosofia – Università di Cagliari)
VISITING SCIENTIST: Rossella Santagata (University of California, Irvine – USA)
Activities proposal:
The proposed project will focus on the use of video technologies for the professional development of teachers. Cross-cultural research on teaching and learning highlighted the need for teachers both to learn about novel strategies adopted by teachers in other countries (especially those whose students have been found to perform at higher levels) and to become aware of practices commonly used in their own cultures, so they can reason about their impact on student learning and/or find ways to improve them. Digital video is a highly promising tool for engaging teachers in reflections about their own teaching strategies and for observing strategies used by effective teachers. In the United States, several studies highlighted the positive effects of video for teacher professional development. Researchers have focused on the development of frameworks to guide teachers’ video analyses. These studies have investigated the impact of video on teacher knowledge and on their classroom practices. The proposed project will foster collaborations between the University of Cagliari and Dr. Santagata (an expert in this field), her institution (the University of California, Irvine), and the U.S. and international research community she is a part of. Specifically, research projects in which video technologies are embedded in the teacher professional development programs for mathematics and science teachers will be designed (based on the most recent research findings on teacher learning processes) and tested with teachers from schools in the Cagliari and vicinity area. This work will both advance research on the use of technology for the professional growth of teachers and will position the University of Cagliari at the forefront of research and practice in this field. Seminars will also be organized for doctoral students in Cagliari to learn about the most recent advances in this area of research.
Visiting Scientist – Most relevant publications:
Mohr, S. & Santagata, R. (in press). Changes in Beliefs about Teaching and Learning during Teacher Preparation: The Impact of a Video-Enhanced Math Methods Course. Orbis Scholae.
Santagata, R. (2014). Towards ambitious teaching: Using video to support future teachers’ reasoning about evidence of student learning. Recherche et Formation, 75, 95-110.
Yeh, C. & Santagata, R. (2015). Pre-Service Teachers’ Learning to Generate Evidence-Based Hypotheses about the Impact of Mathematics Teaching on Learning. Journal of Teacher Education, 66(1), 21-34. Santagata, R. (2014). Video and Teacher Learning: Key Questions, Tools, and Assessments Guiding Research and Practice. Beitraege zur Lehrerbildung, 32 (2), 196-209.
Santagata, R. & Yeh, C. (2014). Learning to teach mathematics and to analyze teaching effectiveness: Evidence from a video- and practice-based approach. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 17, 491-514.
Santagata, R. (2012). Un modello per l’utilizzo del video nella formazione professionale degli insegnanti [A framework for the use of video in teacher professional development]. Form@re: Open Journal per la Formazione in Rete, n.79, May-September. Trento, Italy: Edizioni Erickson.
Kersting, N., Givvin, K., Thompson, B., Santagata, R., & Stigler, J. (2012). Measuring usable knowledge: Teachers’ analyses of mathematics classroom videos predict teaching quality and student learning. American Education Research Journal, 49(3), 568-589.
Santagata, R., & Guarino, J. (2011). Using Video to Teach Future Teachers to Learn from Teaching. ZDM The International Journal of Mathematics Education, 43, 1, 133-145.
Santagata, R. Kersting, N., Givvin, K., & Stigler, J.W. (2011). Problem Implementation as a lever for change: An experimental study of the effects of a professional development program on students’ mathematics learning. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 4, 1-30.
Santagata, R., & Angelici, G. (2010). Studying the impact of the Lesson Analysis Framework on pre-service teachers’ ability to reflect on videos of classroom teaching. Journal of Teacher Education, 61(4), 339-349.
Santagata, R. (2009). Designing video-based professional development for mathematics teachers in low-performing schools. Journal of Teacher Education, 60(1), 38-51.
Santagata, R., Zannoni, C. & Stigler. (2007). The Role of Lesson Analysis in Pre-Service Teacher Education: An Empirical Investigation of Teacher Learning from a Virtual Video-Based Field Experience. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 10,(2), 123-140.
Santagata, R., Gallimore, R., & Stigler, J. W. (2005). The Use of Videos for Teacher Education and Professional Development: Past Experiences and Future Directions. In C. Vrasidas & G.V.Glass (Eds.) Current Perspectives on Applied Information Technologies (Volume 2): Preparing Teachers to Teach with Technology. Ch. 9, pp. 151-167. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Santagata, R. & Barbieri, A. (2005) Mathematics Teaching in Italy: A Cross-Cultural Video Analysis. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 7(4), 291-312.
Santagata, R. (2005) Practices and Beliefs in Mistake-Handling Activities: A Video Study of Italian and U.S. Mathematics Lessons. Teaching and Teacher Education, 21, 491-508.
Cestari, M.L., Santagata, R., Hood, G. (2004). Teachers Learning from Videos. In B. Clarke, D.M. Clarke, G. Emanuelsson, B. Johansson, D.V. Lambdin, F.K.Lester, A. Wallby, K. & Wallby (Eds.) (2004). International Perspectives on Learning and Teaching Mathematics. Göteborg: National Center for Mathematics Education.
Santagata, R. & Zannoni, C. (2003). Multimedia and Pre-Service Teacher Education: An experience with LessonLab Software (Multimedialità e formazione dei futuri insegnanti: resoconto di un’esperienza con il software LessonLab). Università e Scuola, vol.1/R.