Title: RVC: A Multi-Decoder CAL Composer Tool
Authors: Francesca Palumbo, Danilo Pani, Emanuele Manca, Luigi Raffo, Marco Mattavelli and Ghislain Roquier
Conference: Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP)
Year: 2010
Abstract: The Reconfigurable Video Coding (RVC) framework is a recent ISO standard aiming at providing a unified specification of MPEG video technology in the form of a library of components. The word “reconfigurable” evokes run-time instantiation of different decoders starting from an on-the-fly analysis of the input bitstream.
In this paper we move a first step towards the definition of systematic procedures that, based on the MPEG RVC specification formalism, are able to produce multi-decoder platforms, capable of fast switching between different configurations. Looking at the similarities between the decoding algorithms to implement, the papers describes an automatic tool for their composition into a single configurable multi-decoder built of all the required modules, and able to reuse the shared components so as to reduce the overall footprint (either from a hardware or software perspective).
The proposed approach, implemented in C++ leveraging on Flex and Bison code generation tools, typically exploited in the compilers front-end, demonstrates to be successful in the composition of two different decoders MPEG-4 Part 2 (SP): serial and parallel.
Presentation: DASIP_2010
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