Title: Multi-Purpose Systems: a Novel Dataflow-Based Generation and Mapping Strategy
Authors: Jean-Francois Nezan, Nicolas Siret, Matthieu Wipliez, Francesca Palumbo and Luigi Raffo
Conference: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)
Year: 2012
Abstract: The manual creation of specialized hard-ware infrastructures for complex multi-purpose systems is error-prone and time-consuming. Moreover, lots of effort is required to define an optimized and heterogeneous components library. To tackle these issues, we propose a novel design flow based on the Dataflow Process Networks Model of Computation. In particular, we have combined the operation of two state of the art tools, the Multi-Dataflow Composer and the Open RVC-CAL Compiler, handling respectively the automatic mapping of a reconfigurable multi-purpose substrate and the high level synthesis of hardware components. Our approach guarantees runtime efficiency and on-chip area saving both on FPGAs and ASICs.
Presentation: ISCAS_2012
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