A Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Wavelet Denoiser Exploiting the Multi-Dataflow Composer Tool

Title: A Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Wavelet Denoiser Exploiting the Multi-Dataflow Composer Tool

Authors: Nicola Carta, Carlo Sau, Francesca Palumbo, Danilo Pani and Luigi Raffo
Conference: Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP)
Year: 2013
Abstract: In the last few years, efficient resource management turned out to be one of the major challenges for hardware designers. Strategies of reusability through reconfiguration have demonstrated interesting potentials to address it, providing also power and area minimization. The Multi-Dataflow Composer (MDC) tool has been presented to the scientific community to automatically build-up runtime coarse-grained reconfigurable platforms. Originally conceived in the field of Reconfigurable Video Coding (RVC), the MDC allows achieving attractive results also for hardware designers operating in different application fields. In this work, we intend to demonstrate the potential orthogonality of the MDC approach with respect to the RVC domain. A runtime reconfigurable wavelet denoiser, targeted for biomedical applications, has been developed and prototyped onto an FPGA Development Board Spartan 3E 1600. Impressive results in terms of resource minimization have been achieved with respect to more traditional solutions.
Presentation: DASIP_2013
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