Program and Abstracts


The talks will take place at rooms B and D of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (Palazzo delle Scienze, Via Ospedale, 72, Cagliari-map), according to the following program.




 6/10  7/10  8/10
Chair/Room Pucci/D Grillo/B
9:00-9:45  Peral Squassina
9:45-10:30 Barrios Pellacci
10:30-11:15 Leonori Mosconi
11:15-11:45 Coffee break Coffee break
11:45-12:30 Musina Brasco
12:30-13:15 Cinti
Chair/Room  Peral/B  Squassina/B  
15:00-15:15 Opening
15:15-16:00  Pucci Grillo
16:00-16:30 Coffee break Coffee break
16:30-17:15  Mugnai Greco
17:15-18:00  Palatucci Düzgün


Abstracts: Book of abstracts

Poster: RMNLO Poster

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