Women and girls in Science 2022





The General Assembly of the United Nations established February 11th as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science in order to promote gender equality and ensure that women and girls gain equal access and participation in science.

In occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the mathematicians of the University of Cagliari, already involved in the projects of the PLS (Scientific Degrees Plan), proposes a competition dedicated to the students of the last two years of secondary schools entitled

“Female mathematics: challenges and successes of great women”

Female and male students will work in groups of at most 5 members to create a presentation (through slides, posters, plays, comics, etc.) on a woman who has contributed to or is contributing to advances in Mathematics. The will be remotely assisted in the preparation of their presentations by the female researchers in Mathematics of University of Cagliari.

Each group will have about 15 minutes on the 11th of February 2022 to present its own work. The same participants to the competition will choose the best presentation, which will receive a prize!

To participate in the competition, the reference teacher and the group leader, who must be a girl, should complete the following registration form by January 10th, 2022.

Women in Science Registration Form

Each group should consist for the 60% of female students. In addition, each group will have to indicate in the form three names of women mathematicians as preferences for their presentation. To diversify the presentations, the organizers will choose which of these three will be the character that the group will actually present.
Here are some examples of great women mathematicians:

Maria Gaetana Agnesi
Marie-Sofie Germain
Emma Castelnuovo
Maryam Mirzakhani
Sofja Kovalevskaja
Grace Chirsholm Young
Émilie du Châtelet
Emmy Noether
Augusta Ada Lovelace
Katherine Johnson
Karen Keskulla Uhlenberg
Mary Somerville
Hilda Geiringer
Angelina Cabras

For other ideas see:


The activity is an integral part of the Scientific Degrees Plan (PLS) and can be reported as PCTO (Pathways for Cross Skills and Orientation) for a total of 15 hours.