The YOUNG INVESTIGATOR TRAINING PROGRAM, funded by ACRI, supports the mobility of young researchers, engaged in extra-Italian Research Institutions, to attend our meeting: Perinatal Origins of Neuropsychiatric Disorders  (hereinafter termed POND).

As a result of this participation, the POND 2019 – YOUNG INVESTIGATOR TRAINING PROGRAM will support the research activity of young researchers in one of the Italian research centers of the network (see below for the complete list), for the duration of one month.

The ultimate aim of the program is to allow young researchers to establish and/or consolidate relationships with Italian research groups, to define programs of common interest and to integrate themselves into the activity of the host centers through the presentation of their own works and participation in research activity.

Project outline
Twentytwo young researchers will have the opportunity to attend our International event that gathers together top-level experts on perinatal risk and the developing brain, in a context that promotes the interaction between senior and junior researchers, and encourages the establishment of International research collaboration.

A selected network of Italian Senior Researchers, among the most active in the field of neuroscience and pharmacology research, will offer a short exploratory research experience at their institutions by providing the young researchers with the opportunity to experience Italian research environment and to build a collaborative network, by developing new ideas, research projects and academic growth.

The young researcher will play an active role in the assignment of the hosting institution, since in the application he/she shall indicate two preferences, in order to facilitate the inclusion into the research activity of the host laboratory. The research experience in the host research center will reflect the interests of young researcher, which will be shared among all the participants in the initiative through the communication channels of the POND 2019 meeting, and the National and International scientific Societies that patronize the conference (SIF, SINS, SITOX, MNS).

POND 2019 – YOUNG INVESTIGATOR TRAINING PROGRAM will fund 22 awards of up to 3,000 EUR to the young scientists from the European area, and up to 4,000 EUR to the young scientists from the extra-European area for the entire internship period, which will be assigned as a research award the last day of the POND 2019 meeting.

How to apply
Are you interested in participating in the POND 2019 – YOUNG INVESTIGATOR TRAINING PROGRAM?

Submit to the following documents:

  • your CV, including publications and awards
  • your motivational letter, which should be including the indication of the two preferred mentors, a short summary on what you would like to do during this internship, and whether your project might continue once you are back in your own Institution
  • a copy of your passport/identity card
  • a signed letter from your institute to confirm that you are affiliated to extra-Italian Research Institutions and not older than 38
  • any reference letter, if available.

The deadline for application is set on March 18th, 2019.

All applications will be reviewed by the POND 2019 – YOUNG INVESTIGATOR TRAINING PROGRAM Committee.
Applicants will be informed about the outcome by March 28th, 2019.

Senior researchers who will host the internship
Below you will find the list of Italian Institutions and Senior Researchers willing to host an internship:



Antonello Bonci, MD (NIDA, USA)

Carla Cannizzaro, MD, PhD (Palermo, Italy)

Miriam Melis, PhD (Cagliari, Italy)

Marco Pistis, MD (Cagliari, Italy)