The NETwork for EneRgy and Internet of Things (NETERGIT) project aims to develop the technologies needed by a wireless telecommunications network to enable M2M (Machine to Machine) services for the Smart Cities. Most of these services will require sensors and actuators able to connect to the Internet of Things (IoT) through low-cost and low-impact communication technologies, such as for metering services used to monitor water, gas and electricity consumption.
The selected technology is the European standard EN13757 (Wireless M-Bus) working at the 169 MHz frequency. This choice was mainly due by the radiofrequency properties of this standard as well as to the low-cost and low-energy properties of the M-Bus transceivers.
Budget: 1.3M €
Funding: MIUR
Duration: 44 months (2017-2021)
Research Area: Internet of Things
Principal Investigator: Luigi Atzori