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National Centre on Sustainable Mobility (MOST) – Spoke on Mobility as a Service

    MOST – Centro Nazionale per la mobilità sostenibile through collaboration with 24 universitiesCNR and 24 large companies, has the mission of implementing modern, sustainable and inclusive solutions for the entire national territory.

    The lab is involved in Spoke 8 on MaaS (Mobility as a Service) which has the following objectives:

    • Identify and integrate technological, economic and social drivers for fostering the ecological transition of mobility towards MaaS and other sustainable innovative mobility services to serve people and freight to reduce the use of private cars. The spoke aims at defining the standards guidelines to implement and deploy MaaS in Italy.
    • Definition of quantitative approaches and tools for a better understanding of users’ travel behavior and habits, to define tailored attractive sustainable mobility solutions.
    • Analysis of incentive and behavioral mechanisms to enhance MaaS efficiency and attractiveness.
    • Create a MaaS technological platform for managing effective interaction between supply and demand through architectures and network protocols for the orchestration of flexible and secure services.
    • Innovative systems for collecting, fusing, and processing mobility-related big data, analysis and definition of data ethics and security.
    • Harmonization of multimodal traffic data, definition of logic and incentives for cooperation and development of Application Programming Interfaces for secure sharing of data between operators and users.
    • Identify mobility solutions for improving Equity, Social Inclusion and resilience of transport system to reduce the gap among territories, peripherical area and disadvantaged users.
    • Identify sustainable mobility solutions for tourism and in sensitive/inner areas according to the systematic transport supply system.
    • Identification of business models to support collaborative solutions between transport operators, tourism operators, users, and the environment.
    • Realization of an Observatory for systematic mobility travel demand with focus on school/university related mobility at national scale (in collaboration to Education and Research Ministries) as well as for home-to-work trips (Public function Ministry);
    • Realization of a MaaS Living Lab with a real scale pilot.
    • Techniques to improve context awareness and cooperation among transport users through communication, sensor data sharing, distributed machine learning to improve vulnerable users’ safety and mobility.
    • With a Lifelong Learning approach, in the three-year period the Spoke 8 will organize an itinerant International Summer School open to researchers, professionals and administrators on the topics of sustainable mobility and MaaS that will involve also international speakers.
    • Based on the experience of previous editions, the spoke will also provide a MOOC training course about the topics addressed in the mentioned Summer School.

    The contributions of the Net4U laboratory are the followings:

    • Development of a multi-technology platform for the monitoring of people mobility (WiFi sniffing, analysis of video signals, analysis of channel state information)
    • Definition of the Digital Twin for the services integrated into a MaaS platform
    • Study of governance models that stimulate the participation of different actors into the MaaS eco-system

    Project portal:

    Budget: 1.5M €

    Funding: MUR

    Duration: 3 years (2022-2025)

    Research Areas: Smart Mobility, Internet of Things, xG Mobile Networks, Quality of Experience

    Principal Investigator: Luigi Atzori