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Matteo Anedda


    Address: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (DIEE), University of Cagliari, piazza d’Armi, 09123 Cagliari, Italy

    Email: matteo.anedda[AT]unica[DOT]it

    Tel: +39-070-6755903

    Biographical Sketch

    Matteo Anedda received a B.Sc. degree in Electronic Engineering and a M.Sc. degree (summa cum laude) in Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Cagliari in 2011 and 2012, respectively, where he is currently an Assistant Professor. He has been a visiting Erasmus student for eight months with the University of Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain, in 2010, where he has carried out his M.Sc. thesis under supervision of Prof. P. Angueira. For his M.Sc. thesis Dr. Anedda has received an award from the Order of the Engineers of Cagliari. He was a visiting researcher with Dublin City University, Ireland, under the supervision of Prof. G. Muntean in 2015 and Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay, under the supervision of Prof. R. Sotelo in 2016, for seven months each. Dr. Anedda’s research interests are network planning, coverage optimization and optimization algorithms, real-time applications, 5G networks and network selection, IoT and Smart Cities, rate control, mobile device energy consumption and energy efficiency, adaptive multimedia streaming, and heterogeneous radio access environment. He is a member of IEEE, IEEE Broadcast Technology, IEEE Communications, and IEEE Vehicular Technology societies.


    For my list of publications, please visit my Google scholar profile.

    Research Interests

    My research interests fall into the following areas: