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Marco Uras


    Email: marco.uras[AT]widata[DOT]cloud

    Biographical Sketch

    Marco Uras is CEO and Co-Founder of WiData, a spin-off of the University of Cagliari. Marco Uras is a telecommunications engineer and received his PhD student in Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering at the University of Cagliari. The topics covered during his research work were related to Data Science, Cloud Computing and Internet of Things technologies belonging to Smart Cities. In 2015 he started dealing with software development in the mobility field, since 2016 he has worked at the Net4U Laboratory of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the University of Cagliari. Furthermore, Crowdsensing, Artificial Intelligence and their applications in the Smart Cities field are additional research interests.


    For my list of publications, please visit my Google scholar profile.

    Research Interests

    My research interests fall into the following areas: