The objective of the LEAPH project (anaLytics and data Enrichment plAtform for Pharma and pHarmacy owner) is to create a software platform to enhance the flow of data from check-up collection modules and wearable devices, focusing on those specific in the field of well-being and health, and integrating them with other data sources.
During the project, data mining and machine learning techniques have been applied to obtain metrics able to synthetically identify patterns and causal relationships between the values of the variables recorded by the device, the lifestyles and the environmental context where users live and carry out their activities. The identified patterns (Big Data analytics) can, in turn, be the starting point for hypothesizing and therefore verifying new relationships between phenomena and for making predictions on new data sets.
Starting from the observation of how habits predominantly influence people’s health and well-being, the LEAPH project is aimed at improving people’s quality of life by suggesting behaviors based on observed habits.
Budget: 150000 €
Funding: RAS
Duration: 30 months (2018-2020)
Research Area: Internet of Things
Principal Investigator: Virginia Pilloni