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The webinar “Il 5G: tecnologie ed opportunità” is scheduled for 16:00 on Tuesday 28 July 2020 on the MS Teams platform

    Webinar title: The 5G: technologies and opportunities
    Date: 28 July 2020, 16:00 – 17.30

    What are the novelties introduced by the 5G compared with previous generation technologies? What are the novelties introduced regarding the radio technology? What are the opportunities offered to the public administrations, citizens and business companies?
    This webinar will focus on these topics with presentations provided by speakers from both the academic and business worlds and it is mostly directed at: i) university students that aim to acquire expertise on new generation networks; ii) companies and public administrations that want to understand how to exploit the 5G for their own activities.


    ● Key aspects of 5G – Proff. Luigi Atzori / Maurizio Murroni, Università degli Studi di Cagliari / CNIT
    ● 5G antenna solutions in Huawei technology – Ing. Fabio Moresi, Huawei
    ● From theory to reality: The new 5G radio access – Ing. Marco Lo Duca, Linkem / Ing. Cristian Murgia, Tiscali
    ● Q&A session

    Organized by the University of Cagliari

    with the partecipation of

    Linkem SpA
    Tiscali SpA
    Huawei Italia Srl

    The participation is open and free after free registration on Eventbrite
    LINK: MS Teams session