

5th Sardinian Summer School on Metabolomics
“Metabolomics in Cancer Biomarkers and Therapy: Promise and Future”
9th – 13th September 2019

Technology Park of Sardinia, Pula (CA), Italy

I Day 9 September 2019

Registration and welcome coffee break
School presentation
Plenary Lecture – Florence Raynaud : Metabolites as biomarkers

II Day 10 September 2019

David Wishart : Cancer as a metabolic disease – what metabolomics tells us
Jules Griffin: Metabolomics and imaging metabolism in tissues
Georgios Theodoridis : LC-MS method validation. QC and QA

Coffee break

Pietro Franceschi : Data analysis & metabolomics: two sides of the same coin
Roberta Pastorelli : Applications of metabolomics to study cancer metabolic rewiring
Maria Yuneva : Using stable isotope-based metabolite tracing in vitro and in vivo



Pratical session
Pietro Franceschi : Metabolomics meet statistic
Students activities

III Day 11 September 2019

Georgios Theodoridis : LC-MS method development for the analysis of biological fluids
Diego Calvisi : Liver mouse models to assess the role of aberrant lipogenesis in cancer I
Jules Griffin : Metabolomics and lipidomics at the population scale

Coffee break

Fabien Jourdan : Using genome scale metabolic network modelling to identify cancer related metabolic modulations
Roberta Pastorelli : Defining metabolic targets in tumors with metabolomics
Pier Luigi Caboni : Experimental design in MS spectrometry – Low and high resolution approches



Tutorials on NMR

Cristina Piras: NMR in metabolomics
Students activisties


IV Day 12 September 2019

Maria Yuneva : Using genetics and metabolomics to dissect the requirement of metabolic pathways
David Wishart : Moving metabolomics into the clinic: Case studies with cancer
Diego Calvisi : Liver mouse models to assess the role of aberrant lipogenesis in cancer II

Coffee break

Florence Raynaud: Metabolomics in cancer drug discovery.
Saverio Tardito : Improving the metabolic fidelity of cancer cell models I



Tutorials on bioinformatics
Fabien Jourdan : Bioinformatics methods to study genome-scale metabolic networks

Students activities

Social dinner


V day 13 September 2019

Reza Salek : Metabolomics and the exposome: Application to cancer epidemiology
Saverio Tardito : Improving the metabolic fidelity of cancer cell models II
Luigi Atzori : Metabolic dependencies in thyroid carcinoma cell lines

Coffee break

Student presentations


Light Lunch

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