

The School is funded by the Regional Sardinian government and is open to 30 participants.

This 5th Scientific School on Metabolomics in Sardinia is targeted to researchers and graduates from Biological Sciences, Health Sciences and other different background (including Bioinformatics and Mathematics) who are interested in learning about both technical and cheminformatics tools to integrate metabolomics data, in particular into the cancer area.

Selection will be based on a short CV and a letter stating the motivations for attending the course and future research plans of candidates. Applications will be evaluated and accepted in order of arrival (please, send your registration at: .

Registration includes course material, welcome party, lunches and coffee breaks during the school time, (not accommodation expenses – more info on “Accommodation” page). During the Scientific School, teachers and students can reside in a single structure near the Science Park, in order to favor the interaction and future collaborations. Participants will be asked to communicate in advance the type of accommodation chosen (single or double room) and time of arrival and departure from Cagliari airport to better manage the organization of rooming and the collective transfer (more info on “Travel Information” page).

Registration will be free of charge for all attendees.


Registrations will be closed ones we reach the maximum number of 30 participants.


Please do not  hesitate to contact the Secretariat if you require any additional information or assistance. Please address all correspondence to:





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