Summer School 2014


1st  International Summer School

“Data Acquisition and Analysis in Metabolomics”

15-20 September 2014, Pula, Sardinia, Italy




Metabolomics is following the trend of all “-omics” in that the amount of data is expanding.

It is very important today to train the generation of researchers that are analyzing and managing the data in what we learned from other “omics”: standardization is important, sharing in a standardized and controlled way the experimental data is necessary to replicate all experiments and move towards the use of metabolomics in the clinical domain.

Metabolomics experiments are using sophisticated machines that continuously evolve, and as consequence methods of analysis evolve with the access to new data sets and more precise results. It is important for the young researchers to keep up to date and be able to apply the new technologies and analytical tools. Today  young researchers come for various domains like biology, mathematics, informatics, physics. It is important for them to meet and exchange knowledge and information.

The Summer School will offer students theoretical sessions with lectures by experts, and hands-on in the laboratory aimed to deepen the theoretical and practical knowledge for using the main tools (NMR, MS) techniques and computer analysis in the metabolomic and statistical fields. Particular attention will be given on how to manage a laboratory using a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) as well as data standardization and publication.

The opening lecture of each day will have a more general nature and will be open to the participation of all researchers, students interested in the area.


  • Mass Spectrometer and Metabolomics
  • NMR and Metabolomics
  • Chemometric analysis
  • Visualization and analysis of multi-omics data
  • LIMS  applied to metabolomics
  • Public repositories of public data
  • Clinical metabolomics


  • Atzori Luigi, Univeristy of Cagliari, Italy, “Metabolomics in the Clinic”
  • Griffin Jules, University of Cambridge and MRC HNR, UK, “Improving Practices in –omics research” and “Towards metabolic biomarkers in cardiovascular disorders”
  • Paris Debora , counsultant Chenomx
  • Rodriguez-Tomé Patricia, CRS4, Pula. Italy, “LIMS applied to metabolomics”
  • Salek Reza, European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge, UK, “Data standardisation in metabolomics- Data base and resourses from EMBL-EBI” and “NMR data analysis and processing”
  • Savorani Francesco, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, “Visualization and analysis of multi-omics data”
  • Shockcor John, Waters Corporation, USA, “Extracting the Desired Information from Complex Mass Spectral Data Sets”
  • Trygg Johan, University of Umea, Sweden, “Chemometrics and statistical analysis in metabolomics.-From design of experiments to statistical validation”
  • Weljie Aalim, University of Pennsylvania, USA, “1. Is our metabolomics data meaningful? Quantitation and validation of metabolomics biomarkers” and “Fusion of NMR and MS datasets”
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