

The Scientific School 2019 will be held at Sardinia Technology Park  – Edificio 2 – Loc. Piscinamanna, 09010Pula (CA), Italy.

The Technology Park of Sardinia hosts Sardegna Ricerche, the Sardinian agency for Research, CRS4 (Centro di Ricerca, Sviluppi e Studi Superiori della Sardegna) – Sardinian Research center, CNR and University labs and an incubator for SMEs both in ITC and biotechnology domains.

The facilities at the Sardegna ricerche are an auditorium (140 seats) , conference and posters room (200m2), seminars and training rooms.

The park is well equipped with internet Wireless connections. Catering facilities are available.

The Elmas-Cagliari airport is at 40 kms. The Polaris Park is connected to Elmas-Cagliari airport by taxi and public transport. See all information on “Travel Info” page.

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(images courtesy of Sardegna Ricerche) 

Sardegna Ricerche – Edificio 2,
Parco Tecnologico della Sardegna,
Loc. Piscinamanna, 09010 Pula (CA) – Italy

You can see the place  on Google maps

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C.F.: 80019600925 - P.I.: 00443370929
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